Bug 7072 - Use MARCAuthorityControlField008 to generate default 008 fields in AddAuthority
Summary: Use MARCAuthorityControlField008 to generate default 008 fields in AddAuthority
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Cataloging (show other bugs)
Version: Main
Hardware: All All
: PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE) normal
Assignee: Frédérick Capovilla
QA Contact: Marcel de Rooy
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Reported: 2011-10-20 16:44 UTC by Frédérick Capovilla
Modified: 2013-12-05 20:04 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

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Change sponsored?: Sponsored
Patch complexity: ---
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Use MARCAuthorityControlField008 in AddAuthority for empty 008s (1.47 KB, patch)
2011-10-20 16:44 UTC, Frédérick Capovilla
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Use MARCAuthorityControlField008 in AddAuthority for empty 008s (1.62 KB, patch)
2011-12-01 23:25 UTC, Jared Camins-Esakov
Details | Diff | Splinter Review

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Description Frédérick Capovilla 2011-10-20 16:44:21 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 1 Frédérick Capovilla 2011-10-20 16:45:17 UTC
Patch sponsored by the CCSR ( http://www.ccsr.qc.ca )
Comment 2 Frédérick Capovilla 2011-10-20 17:35:03 UTC
The BiblioAddAuthorities subroutine seems to always send authority records to AddAuthority without a 008 field. It can be used in the test plan.

Test plan (MARC21 only) :
* Make sure a valid value is set in the MARCAuthorityControlField008 system preference.
* Activate the BiblioAddsAuthorities system preference.
* Create a new bibliographic record with a manually entered authority values. (for example, "Bob" in 650$a)
* Go to the details page of the authority that should have been created by BiblioAddsAuthorities. (To find it, go in the MARC view of the biblio record we just created, and click on the "Auth" link next to the authority value)
* Check the value of field 008 for this authority. The value of the MARCAuthorityControlField008 system preference should have been used.
Comment 3 Jared Camins-Esakov 2011-12-01 23:25:45 UTC
Created attachment 6498 [details] [review]
Use MARCAuthorityControlField008 in AddAuthority for empty 008s

The old default value for field 008 didn't have the correct length,
which could potentially cause data corruptions.

Uses the MARCAuthorityControlField008 preference added by BUG4839.

Signed-off-by: Jared Camins-Esakov <jcamins@cpbibliography.com>
Comment 4 Jared Camins-Esakov 2011-12-01 23:28:48 UTC
Provided you've set your sysprefs properly, this works as expected. I also confirmed that there is no change to behavior in the authorities editor.
Comment 5 Marcel de Rooy 2011-12-19 14:25:24 UTC
QA: Code looks good. Hardcoded value (when pref is empty) is the same as in marc21_field_008_authorities.pl.
Marking as Passed QA.
Comment 6 Paul Poulain 2011-12-27 16:59:04 UTC
patch pushed, please test
Comment 7 Jared Camins-Esakov 2012-12-31 00:11:07 UTC
There have been no further reports of problems so I am marking this bug resolved.