The work from bug 5830 causes staff client lists to also undergo XSLT transformation if OPACXSLTResultsDisplay is enabled. The resulting value is not used anywhere on the staff side, thus wasting around half a second of computation time (or default page-sized lists). Adding a check for whether this is OPAC or intranet would give a performance boost to staff client lists.
Created attachment 6018 [details] [review] Proposed Patch Adds a check for $type eq 'opac' before rendering OPAC XSLT
Updating Version : This ENH will be for Koha 3.8
Bug versionned for master. entries will be made against rel_3_8 once the patch has been applied (see thread about that on koha-devel yesterday)
Created attachment 6107 [details] [review] Bug 7076: Lists render OPAC XSLT on staff side Adds a small check in C4::VirtualShelves::Page::shelfpage to only render OPACResultsXSLT if the $type is 'opac'. Since parsing the XML is such an expensive thing, and the resulting XSLTBloc is not used on the staff side, this will increase performance for Lists in the intranet Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <>
Taking the liberty as QAA to set this to Passed QA (for the first time..) I would not call this an enhancement BTW; it is a bug fix (no longer wasting performance). Therefore changing importance.