Created attachment 7101 [details] screenshot of detail page When placing item level holds the current status is not shown. It only shows 'not on hold' but should also show what is currently availalbe and what is checked out. To reproduce: 1) Make sure OPACItemHolds is activated 2) Place a hold in OPAC on a record with multiple items, some should be checked out 3) Select 'A specific copy' 4) Check list and try to determine which of the items are checked out
Created attachment 7102 [details] screenshot of hold page
Created attachment 7377 [details] [review] Proposed patch
Created attachment 7388 [details] [review] [SIGNED-OFF] Bug 7431: Fixes the display of the due date in opac item specific holds. Fixes the reference to the due date in opac-reserve from date_due to dateDue as defined int Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <>
QA comment: tiny patch, passed QA
This fix was included in the 3.6.x branch prior to 3.6.4.