At one time the drop-down for borrower categories in the new patron would appear as an <optgroup>. For example, you would have 'Child' and then your child category types, 'Adult' and then adult types, etc. These are no longer displaying.
Created attachment 7544 [details] [review] Proposed patch To test. Before applying the patch, see if the groups appear in the category list when editing a patron. Check again after application.
Created attachment 7545 [details] Drop-down prior to patch
Created attachment 7546 [details] Drop-down after patch
Created attachment 7557 [details] [review] Signed-off patch I confirm the WUI regression and the solution with this patch. Looking at the code, one can see this patch fixes also 2 typos.
Template only change, most XHTML clean up and TT scope shift. Marking a Passed QA.
QA comment This patch also does 2 un-announced changes: -<input type="text" name="datedebarred" id="debarred" class="debarred" value="[% datedebarred %]" /> +<input type="text" name="datedebarred" id="datedebarred" class="debarred" value="[% datedebarred %]" /> and -<textarea id="debarredcomment" name="debarredcomment" cols="55" rows="3" ">[% debarredcomment %]</textarea> +<textarea id="debarredcomment" name="debarredcomment" cols="55" rows="3">[% debarredcomment %]</textarea> While the 2nd one fixes a HTML mistake (trailing single " at the end of <textarea> I don't understand what the 1st is made for, and I think it should not be here. and if it should, a few line below, we should also have -<input type="text" name="datedebarred" id="debarred" class="debarred" value="[% datedebarred %]" onclick="this.value=''" /> +<input type="text" name="datedebarred" id="datedebarred" class="debarred" value="[% datedebarred %]" onclick="this.value=''" />
Created attachment 7871 [details] [review] Revised patch Revised patch adds more of a description of the fixes and fixes the missed XHTML error - debarredcomment id field.
Created attachment 7990 [details] [review] Signed off revised patch The new patch still fix the initial problem and fix what has been pointed by Paul. Signed-off.
Template only change, easy to read, marking as Passed QA.