Bug 7526 - longoverdue.pl leaves items marked as lost as still checked out to patron
Summary: longoverdue.pl leaves items marked as lost as still checked out to patron
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Circulation (show other bugs)
Version: 3.8
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low enhancement
Assignee: Kyle M Hall
QA Contact: Ian Walls
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Reported: 2012-02-10 15:11 UTC by Kyle M Hall
Modified: 2013-12-05 20:04 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Patch complexity: ---
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Bug 7526 - longoverdue.pl leaves items marked as lost as still checked out to patron (1.45 KB, patch)
2012-02-10 15:16 UTC, Kyle M Hall
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 7526 - longoverdue.pl leaves items marked as lost as still checked out to patron (2.70 KB, patch)
2012-02-10 17:44 UTC, Kyle M Hall
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 7526 - longoverdue.pl leaves items marked as lost as still checked out to patron (2.71 KB, patch)
2012-02-10 17:48 UTC, Kyle M Hall
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
[SIGNED-OFF] Bug 7526 - longoverdue.pl leaves items marked as lost as still checked out to patron (2.83 KB, patch)
2012-03-16 20:05 UTC, Nicole C. Engard
Details | Diff | Splinter Review

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Description Kyle M Hall 2012-02-10 15:11:16 UTC
When the longoverdu.pl script is run, and it marks an item as lost ( using LostItem() ), if fails to remove the item from the borrower record. So, the item is marked as lost, but is also still listed as checked out to the borrower.
Comment 1 Kyle M Hall 2012-02-10 15:16:24 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 2 Owen Leonard 2012-02-10 15:49:06 UTC
The current functionality is the way we've always expected it to work! Maybe longoverdue.pl needs an option added to it in order to trigger the the process you want?
Comment 3 Kyle M Hall 2012-02-10 17:13:07 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)

Agreed, if this was expected functionality, I will modify my patch and make it a system preference defaulting to the original functionality. Any suggestions for a preference name? RemoveLostItemsFromPatronAccount?

> The current functionality is the way we've always expected it to work! Maybe
> longoverdue.pl needs an option added to it in order to trigger the the process
> you want?
Comment 4 Owen Leonard 2012-02-10 17:22:37 UTC
longoverdue.pl is always called from the command line isn't it? So wouldn't a command line parameter be sufficient?
Comment 5 Kyle M Hall 2012-02-10 17:35:09 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)

Good point, I'll make it a command line switch instead.

> longoverdue.pl is always called from the command line isn't it? So wouldn't a
> command line parameter be sufficient?
Comment 6 Kyle M Hall 2012-02-10 17:44:47 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 7 Kyle M Hall 2012-02-10 17:48:31 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 8 Nicole C. Engard 2012-03-16 20:05:05 UTC
Created attachment 8244 [details] [review]
[SIGNED-OFF] Bug 7526 - longoverdue.pl leaves items marked as lost as still checked out to patron

When the longoverdu.pl script is run, and it marks an item as lost ( using
LostItem() ), if fails to remove the item from the borrower record. So, the
item is marked as lost, but is also still listed as checked out to the

This commit adds the command line parameter --mark-returned. If used,
longoverdue.pl will remove lost items from the borrowers record.
Functionality will remain the same if it is not used.

Signed-off-by: Nicole C. Engard <nengard@bywatersolutions.com>

Comment 9 Ian Walls 2012-03-19 12:21:31 UTC
Cleanly adds new commandline param to longoverdue.pl to make use of the new functionality.  Won't regress any behaviour for libraries who are used to the current way of things.  Cleans up some spacing in the GetOpt area.  Marking as Passed QA.
Comment 10 Jared Camins-Esakov 2012-12-31 00:43:02 UTC
There have been no further reports of problems so I am marking this bug resolved.