I'm not sure if this is something specific to my system or not, but I thought I should report it just in case. http://screencast.com/t/x9fD9em1r When I try to open one specific patron record I get this error: Software error: Template process failed: undef error - : filter not found at /home/nengard/kohaclone/C4/Templates.pm line 127. I haven't changed this patron since my last fetch from master, so I'm not sure why I can't access the record. Nicole
what's in a select * from borrowers where borrowernumber = xxx ? Maybe there's a field that's not escaped correctly and you have some punctuation in there that's making it mad?
Nothing special that I see: mysql> select * from borrowers where borrowernumber =54 \G *************************** 1. row *************************** borrowernumber: 54 cardnumber: 9876543453 surname: Engard firstname: Brian title: othernames: initials: streetnumber: streettype: NULL address: 123 My Street address2: city: Philadelphia state: PA zipcode: 19101 country: email: engar@gmail.com phone: 555.111.2345 mobile: fax: emailpro: phonepro: B_streetnumber: NULL B_streettype: NULL B_address: 123 Alternate Address B_address2: B_city: Newark B_state: DE B_zipcode: 19711 B_country: B_email: brian@gmail.com B_phone: 555.123.4563 dateofbirth: NULL branchcode: NIC categorycode: PT dateenrolled: 2011-02-18 dateexpiry: 2019-09-01 gonenoaddress: 0 lost: 0 debarred: NULL debarredcomment: NULL contactname: NULL contactfirstname: NULL contacttitle: NULL guarantorid: NULL borrowernotes: circ notes relationship: NULL ethnicity: NULL ethnotes: NULL sex: M password: y9RPi1tIpR99q5irzfRdTg flags: 67588 userid: brian opacnote: opac note contactnote: Alternate comment note sort1: sort2: altcontactfirstname: Nicole altcontactsurname: Engard altcontactaddress1: Same altcontactaddress2: altcontactaddress3: Philadelphia altcontactstate: PA altcontactzipcode: 19101 altcontactcountry: USA altcontactphone: 555.343.2123 smsalertnumber: NULL privacy: 1 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Problem seems to be related to the new suspending holds feature. Marking duplicate as there is a patch and more discussion on bug 7641. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 7641 ***