It seems that you need the permission to upload patron images in order to upload the offline circ files. Is anyone else experiencing this? Do we need a different permission for the offline circ file? Or should the circ permissions be enough for that?
Hi, same problem with 3.8 missing unzip fixed with : sudo apt-get install unzip current 3.8 gives this error: Patron image failed to upload Unpacking completed 1 directories scanned. 1 directories processed. - Cardnumber: WARNING: This image not imported because the cardnumber and filename is missing. installed the older and it now works fine. Here's the diff of the two: ( = 3.8 version) kohaclone/tools$ diff 61c61 < picture-upload.p. - Script for handling uploading of both single and bulk patronimages and importing them into the database. --- > - Script for handling uploading of both single and bulk patronimages and importing them into the database. 81c81,84 < my $filesuffix = $1 if $uploadfilename =~ m/(\..+)$/i; --- > my $filesuffix; > if ( $uploadfilename =~ m/(\..+)$/i ) { > my $filesuffix = $1; > } 98c101 < unless (system("unzip $tempfile -d $dirname") == 0) { --- > unless (system("unzip", $tempfile, '-d', $dirname) == 0) { 257,258c260,264 < my $dberror = PutPatronImage($cardnumber,$mimetype, $imgfile) if $mimetype; < if ( !$dberror && $mimetype ) { # Errors from here on are fatal only to the import of a particular image, so don't bail, just note the error and keep going --- > my $dberror; > if ($mimetype) { > $dberror = PutPatronImage( $cardnumber, $mimetype, $imgfile ); > } > if ( !$dberror && $mimetype ) { # Errors from here on are fatal only to the import of a particular image, so don't bail, just note the error and keep going 298,299d303 < < =back
Hi, Please disregard comment #2, I posted to the wrong bug. sorry about that.
Is this still a valid bug? I'm having trouble recreating the issue.
I don't remember why I reported this ... :)
Got this via email: ------------ Please re-open this ticket. I have confirmed that the batch_upload_patron_images permission still has to be active for an account to upload offline files. We either need to A) update help files to reflect this 2) attach this feature to a more appropriate permission iii) rename the permission to something less specific (like upload_files)
I checked this on current master - all offlince-circulation related files have "circulate_remaining_permissions" as required flag. I think this has been fixed:;a=commit;h=5880522ea74e803e41a5efab88dca0efb66f4358