It would be really nice to have borrowers table prepopulated and updated from LDAP data.
Created attachment 9640 [details] [review] proposed patch
Created attachment 9642 [details] [review] proposed patch This patch now contains no french and a brief documentation of the script.
Doesn't seem work for me. Got the following: Got 12 ldap mapkeys ( total ): firstname userid categorycode zipcode surname dateexpiry email city password cardnumber address branchcode Got 12 ldap mapkeys (populated): firstname userid categorycode zipcode surname dateexpiry email city password cardnumber address branchcode --- auth_by_bind: 1 base: 'dc=server,dc=local' hostname: id: ldapserver listenref: ldapserver mapping: address: is: postaladdress branchcode: content: LIBRARY is: '' cardnumber: is: description categorycode: is: physicalDeliveryOfficeName city: is: l dateexpiry: content: 2099-05-13 is: '' email: is: mail firstname: is: givenname password: is: '' surname: is: sn userid: is: samaccountname zipcode: is: postalcode pass: password principal_name: '%s@server.local' replicate: 1 update: 1 user: 'LDAPUSER@server.local' After that, nothing happens. No users are added/updated, i've set it to highest debugging level and I still cant find any error logs from it. Does it scan OUs recursively ? So my base is dc=server,dc=local - Will it find users in ou=users, ou=staff, ou=dept, dc=wbta, dc=local
Oh and that's on Koha 3.8.6 with authentication to a Windows 2008 server via LDAP
It's an interesting idea but it's been over 10 years with no movement, and I don't know that a cronjob would make sense. Perhaps a migration script...