After a search on the OPAC, clicking on the Author facet gives bad results, sometimes an empty screen when several biblios should appear. It is so in UNIMARC at least, and I'll propose a patch for this (correcting the facet construction by adding wordlist "wrdl" to the limit parameter), but if MARC21 biblios have the same problem I'll make a version with both codes modified.
Created attachment 10640 [details] [review] proposed patch #1
I confirm the bug. Why 'wrdl' and not 'phr'?
*** Bug 8345 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I would agree that this should probably be ,phr. Is there a reason you chose ,wrdl, Adrien?
I can't say what the reason was for Adrien to choose wrdl, but i just tried both on an instance where i encountered the problem, and using phr doesn't give any result, whereas wrdl does.
I think this patch is not a solution. We know the search with "phrase" structure (witch in implicit for Zebra) sometimes does not work. But using "word list" is wrong because it performs a search of words without order. There can be problems with some facets, for example authors "Pierre JUSTE" and "Juste PIERRE". A click on a facet "au,wrld=Pierre JUSTE" will return results with both authors. Problems must be fixed in search engine.
I have a plan to improve facets. Could you please take a look and comment the bug if you have any remarks? M. Saby
I've found the primary cause of this bug : when using GRS1, only ICU allows to search a phrase with words over several subfields. I set invalid.