When Koha suspects a new patron is actually a duplicate of an existing patron, the new patron form is re-displayed and asked for confirmation on whether this new patron is really a duplicate or not. The problem is, we want the librarian to click one of those buttons, but it's also possible to scroll down and use the submit button at the bottom. I have actual reports of librarians not bothering to read the message but scrolling down to the bottom and resubmitting out of habit. I see no reason not to hide the submit button at the bottom in the event that Koha is asking for confirmation about duplicate patrons.
Created attachment 12663 [details] [review] Bug 8869 - Duplicate member check doesn't disable submit button on bottom.
Created attachment 12672 [details] [review] Bug 8869 - Duplicate member check doesn't disable submit button on bottom. Signed-off-by: Frédéric Demians <f.demians@tamil.fr> I confirm that after applying this patch, the submit button is removed from patron edit page, avoiding accidentaly clicking on it, without responding to the question about possible duplicate patron?
QA comment * tiny patch, T::T only passed QA
Patch pushed to master
Pushed to 3.8.x will be in 3.8.6