The itemnumber was not being passed correctly to Koha, resulting in blank emails being sent to people. Also reserves were not being marked waiting.
Created attachment 13662 [details] [review] Bug 9138 : SIP2 passing incorrect itemnumber to ModReserveAffect
As a note I was having a problem with blank emails for holds on return in SIP devices. Problem was that db handles stored by C4::Letters had gone stale. The crude caching in letters is a bit suspect as it doesnt check handles are still valid (unlike C4::Context) and the db could cache more effectively. But its worth being aware of when looking at this
Thanks Colin, I'll check that out also.
Yep that is definitely a problem, ill send a follow up to fix that.
The problem code is in C4::Letters around line 555 We do this # check cache first (defined $handles{$table}) and return $handles{$table}; We just return an $sth for the table, not knowing if it is still even connected to the database, so you end up with a bunch of this DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL server has gone away at /usr/share/koha/lib//C4/ line 523. DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_hashref failed: fetch() without execute() at /usr/share/koha/lib//C4/ line 526. And blank emails being sent, because the parsing isn't done
Did you mean to mark this resolved fixed? If so, what fixed and where?