---- Reported by pascale.nalon@ensmp.fr 2005-01-26 02:49:40 ---- There is not plugin for filling 1xx coded fields in unimarc authority format ---- Additional Comments From jmf@liblime.com 2007-10-04 13:46:32 ---- bumping up to 3.0, status? ---- Additional Comments From paul.poulain@biblibre.com 2009-04-18 17:49:52 ---- still relevant --- Bug imported by chris@bigballofwax.co.nz 2010-05-20 23:36 UTC --- This bug was previously known as _bug_ 917 at http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=917 Actual time not defined. Setting to 0.0
fixed a long time ago...