Bug 9253 - If an item is reserved, at the opac it is marked as available
Summary: If an item is reserved, at the opac it is marked as available
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: OPAC (show other bugs)
Version: Main
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low minor
Assignee: Owen Leonard
QA Contact: Marcel de Rooy
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Reported: 2012-12-10 14:25 UTC by Jonathan Druart
Modified: 2016-06-21 21:37 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

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Change sponsored?: ---
Patch complexity: Trivial patch
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Bug 9253: Mark items "On hold" at the opac (1.21 KB, patch)
2012-12-10 14:32 UTC, Jonathan Druart
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 9253: Mark items "On hold" at the opac (1.43 KB, patch)
2012-12-13 21:15 UTC, Mirko Tietgen
Details | Diff | Splinter Review

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Jonathan Druart 2012-12-10 14:25:49 UTC

Comment 1 Jonathan Druart 2012-12-10 14:32:45 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 2 Mirko Tietgen 2012-12-13 21:15:33 UTC
Created attachment 14105 [details] [review]
Bug 9253: Mark items "On hold" at the opac

If an item is reserved, at the opac it is marked as available.

Test plan:
- Reserve an item for a patron
- See the intranet display page for the reserved notice. The item is marked as
  "on hold"
- See the opac display page for the reserved notice. The item is marked as
- apply the patch
- See the opac diplay page for the reserved notice. The item is marked as "on

Signed-off-by: Mirko Tietgen <mirko@abunchofthings.net>
Patch has described effect on OPAC. Opposed to the test plan I have 'available' in intranet though. Not in the scope of this patch so signed off.
Comment 3 Katrin Fischer 2012-12-14 06:13:27 UTC
I am a bit worried about the consequences of this. I think this can only work for item level holds. Also, when does the status change? 
When the item is placed on hold or when the item is checked in and waiting for the patron? I feel like it should be the latter.
I think libraries allow patrons to check out the item as long as it has not been pulled from the shelf, but not quite sure here.
Comment 4 Paul Poulain 2013-01-04 12:08:23 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> I am a bit worried about the consequences of this. I think this can only
> work for item level holds.
You're right and wrong. This work only when the *item* is on hold. So either :
 - a "1st available" has been placed, and an item has been checked in (to the reserve is now attached to an item)
 - a item level hold has been placed

> Also, when does the status change? 
The onhold flag is set by
      if( $reserve_status eq "Reserved"){ $itm->{'onhold'} = 1; }

$reserve_status is defined by 
     my ($reserve_status) = C4::Reserves::CheckReserves($itm->{itemnumber});

However, one thing that worry me is that the rules for opac-detail.pl display are not the same as the rules for staff detail.pl display:
In staff display, it seems that the items.reservedate is used to have a display of hold-er & hold status. Jonathan, am I right ? Why use a different method in the staff interface ?

> When the item is placed on hold or when the item is checked in and waiting
> for the patron? I feel like it should be the latter.
> I think libraries allow patrons to check out the item as long as it has not
> been pulled from the shelf, but not quite sure here.
I think we must :
 * be consistent between staff & opac
 * can display that an item is reserved as soon as possible. use case = 9AM, patron A places a hold, 10AM, patron B check OPAC and see the document is "available", 11AM, the item become "waiting" for patron A, 11:10AM, patron B arrives at the library and becomes angry because the item is no more available... We can't warn an item is reserved when the hold is "1st available", but as soon as we've an item, we should.
Comment 5 Jonathan Druart 2013-01-04 13:07:15 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> Jonathan, am I right ? Why use a different method in the staff interface ?

I don't know. The only thing I know is that the opac template does not take into account the on hold status.
Comment 6 Marcel de Rooy 2013-02-22 09:45:17 UTC
QA: Looking at this one now..
Comment 7 Marcel de Rooy 2013-02-22 10:16:33 UTC
QA Comment:
I am sorry, but IMO this should not be pushed in this state.
There already is a small discrepancy between opac and staff in this area. If we change things at one side now, let us resolve these issues and not make it bigger. IMO this is in scope.

A next available hold is shown as Available in opac and staff until it is confirmed. I think that is fine. Does not need a change as proposed here; there may be a hold already for a far future! It is available until we check it in.
After confirming, it is On Hold or Waiting.. in staff. Fine too.

An item level hold is now Available in opac and marked as item-level hold in staff while pending. Small discrepancy. Note that this item level hold can also be still far away! Although I can understand your wish to put it on hold in display, I still think that it is actually available until we check it in.
After confirming, there is no change anymore with the next available hold.

So, if we want to change this status, the least thing we can do is first look at the reserve date before saying that it is not available.

Setting to Failed QA
Comment 8 Katrin Fischer 2013-02-22 10:26:46 UTC
I think Marcel managed to describe the problem quite well.

I still feel like for the OPAC user a hold does not exist, until he can't check out the book or the book has been pulled and is no longer on the shelf. 
For staff it might make sense to give a bit more information.
Comment 9 Mirko Tietgen 2013-07-23 11:33:16 UTC
Not sure why this bug was assigned to me, I am not working on this so I reset it to default