May be related partially to Bug 8848 hugh@hugh-desktop:~/code/koha (master)$ make test PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 KOHA_CONF=blib/KOHA_CONF_DIR/koha-conf.xml /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-checkdatabase-version.t ........ ok t/00-deprecated.t ................... ok t/00-load.t ......................... 1/? "my" variable $stylesheet masks earlier declaration in same scope at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 313. Subroutine main::logaction redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.14/Test/ line 885. Too late to run INIT block at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 41. Subroutine main::GetContract redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.14/Test/ line 885. Too late to run INIT block at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/External/ line 42. t/00-load.t ......................... 100/? "my" variable $DEBUG masks earlier declaration in same scope at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 43. "my" variable $DEBUG masks earlier declaration in same scope at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 77. t/00-load.t ......................... ok t/00-merge-conflict-markers.t ....... ok t/00-testcritic.t ................... skipped: Author test. Set $ENV{TEST_QA} to a true value to run t/00-valid-xml.t .................... ok t/AuthoritiesMarc_MARC21.t .......... ok t/AuthoritiesMarc_UNIMARC.t ......... ok t/Barcodes_annual.t ................. ok t/Barcodes_EAN13.t .................. ok t/Barcodes_hbyymmincr.t ............. ok t/Barcodes_incremental.t ............ ok t/Barcodes_PrinterConfig.t .......... 1/6 Use of uninitialized value $labelHeigth in division (/) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 113. Use of uninitialized value $marginBottom in addition (+) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 113. Use of uninitialized value $labelHeigth in multiplication (*) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 115. Use of uninitialized value $rows in numeric lt (<) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 117. Use of uninitialized value $labelWidth in division (/) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 84. Use of uninitialized value $marginLeft in addition (+) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 84. Use of uninitialized value $labelWidth in multiplication (*) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 86. Use of uninitialized value $columns in numeric lt (<) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 88. Use of uninitialized value $labelHeigth in division (/) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 113. Use of uninitialized value $marginBottom in addition (+) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 113. Use of uninitialized value $labelHeigth in multiplication (*) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 115. Use of uninitialized value $labelWidth in division (/) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 84. Use of uninitialized value $marginLeft in addition (+) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 84. Use of uninitialized value $labelWidth in multiplication (*) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 86. Use of uninitialized value $rows in numeric le (<=) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 193. t/Barcodes_PrinterConfig.t .......... ok t/Barcodes_ValueBuilder.t ........... "my" variable $DEBUG masks earlier declaration in same scope at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 43. "my" variable $DEBUG masks earlier declaration in same scope at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 77. t/Barcodes_ValueBuilder.t ........... ok t/Bookseller.t ...................... ok t/Boolean.t ......................... 1/13 The given value does not seem to be interpretable as a Boolean value at t/Boolean.t line 20. The given value does not seem to be interpretable as a Boolean value at t/Boolean.t line 21. The given value does not seem to be interpretable as a Boolean value at t/Boolean.t line 22. t/Boolean.t ......................... ok t/Branch.t .......................... ok t/Breeding.t ........................ ok t/Budgets.t ......................... ok t/Cache.t ........................... 1/9 Use of uninitialized value in split at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/Koha/Cache/ line 31. t/Cache.t ........................... ok t/Calendar.t ........................ 1/35 # Failed test 'Test parameter order not relevant (Days)' # at t/Calendar.t line 244. # got: 56 # expected: 40 # Failed test 'Test parameter order not relevant (Calendar)' # at t/Calendar.t line 284. # got: 56 # expected: 40 t/Calendar.t ........................ 34/35 # Failed test 'Test parameter order not relevant (Days)' # at t/Calendar.t line 323. # got: 56 # expected: 40 # Looks like you failed 3 tests of 35. t/Calendar.t ........................ Dubious, test returned 3 (wstat 768, 0x300) Failed 3/35 subtests t/Category.t ........................ ok t/Charset.t ......................... 1/6 "\c3" is more clearly written simply as "s" at t/Charset.t line 14. t/Charset.t ......................... ok t/Circulation_barcodedecode.t ....... ok t/ClassSortRoutine.t ................ ok t/ClassSortRoutine_Dewey.t .......... ok t/ClassSortRoutine_Generic.t ........ ok t/ClassSortRoutine_LCC.t ............ ok t/ClassSource.t ..................... ok t/Contract.t ........................ ok t/Creators.t ........................ ok t/Dates.t ........................... 1/327 # # In order to run without DB access, this test will substitute 'us' # as your default date format. Export environmental variable KOHA_TEST_DATE_FORMAT # to override this default, or pass the value as an argument to this test script. # # NOTE: we test for the system handling dd=00 and 00 for TIME values, therefore # you SHOULD see some warnings like: # Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t ... # # Testing Legacy Functions: format_date and format_date_in_iso # Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 0) at t/Dates.t line 61. Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 61. Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 64. # # Testing 5 formats. # Testing no input (defaults): # # Testing with valid inputs: Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 0) at t/Dates.t line 83. Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 83. Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 83. Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 83. Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 83. Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 83. # # Testing object independence from class # done. t/Dates.t ........................... ok t/DateUtils.t ....................... 1/28 "my" variable $date_string masks earlier declaration in same scope at t/DateUtils.t line 29. t/DateUtils.t ....................... ok t/Debug.t ........................... # BEFORE use: $debug is not defined # BEFORE use: $cgi_debug is not defined t/Debug.t ........................... 1/5 # AFTER use: $debug is 5 # AFTER use: $cgi_debug is 2 # Done. t/Debug.t ........................... ok t/dummy.t ........................... ok t/External_Syndetics.t .............. ok t/Form_MessagingPreferences.t ....... ok t/Heading.t ......................... ok t/ILSDI_Services.t .................. ok t/ILSDI_Utility.t ................... ok t/Images.t .......................... ok t/ImportBatch.t ..................... ok t/Input.t ........................... ok t/Installer_PerlDependencies.t ...... ok t/Installer_PerlModules.t ........... ok t/Installer_pm.t .................... ok t/ItemCirculationAlertPreference.t .. ok t/ItemType.t ........................ ok t/Koha.t ............................ ok t/Labels.t .......................... 1/6 Use of uninitialized value $llx in concatenation (.) or string at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 68. Use of uninitialized value $lly in concatenation (.) or string at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 68. Use of uninitialized value $width in concatenation (.) or string at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 68. Use of uninitialized value $height in concatenation (.) or string at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 68. Use of uninitialized value $_ in string eq at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 103. Use of uninitialized value $_ in pattern match (m//) at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 116. Use of uninitialized value $_ in sprintf at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 126. regexp failed to match string: at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 126. Use of uninitialized value in split at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 129. t/Labels.t .......................... ok t/Labels_split_ccn.t ................ ok t/Labels_split_ddcn.t ............... ok t/Labels_split_lccn.t ............... ok t/Languages.t ....................... 1/4 Use of uninitialized value $interface in string eq at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 247. Use of uninitialized value $htdocs in concatenation (.) or string at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 271. Use of uninitialized value $theme in concatenation (.) or string at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 271. accept_language(x,y) called with no clientPreferences (x). at t/Languages.t line 19. t/Languages.t ....................... ok t/Letters.t ......................... ok t/Log.t ............................. ok t/Maintainance.t .................... ok t/Matcher.t ......................... ok t/Members_Attributes.t .............. ok t/Members_AttributeTypes.t .......... ok t/Members_Messaging.t ............... ok t/Message.t ......................... ok t/NewsChannels.t .................... ok t/Output.t .......................... ok t/Output_JSONStream.t ............... ok t/Overdues.t ........................ ok t/Patroncards.t ..................... ok t/Patroncards_Batch.t ............... ok t/Patroncards_Layout.t .............. ok t/Patroncards_Lib.t ................. ok t/Patroncards_Patroncard.t .......... ok t/Patroncards_Profile.t ............. ok t/Patroncards_Template.t ............ ok t/Print.t ........................... ok t/RecordProcessor.t ................. ok t/Review.t .......................... ok t/Ris.t ............................. 1/6 Use of uninitialized value $leader in substr at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 342. substr outside of string at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 342. Use of uninitialized value $C4::Ris::intype in string eq at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 350. Use of uninitialized value $C4::Ris::intype in string eq at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 350. Use of uninitialized value $C4::Ris::intype in string eq at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 353. Use of uninitialized value $typeofrecord in exists at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 361. Use of uninitialized value $C4::Ris::uniout in string eq at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 966. Use of uninitialized value $C4::Ris::uniout in string eq at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 966. t/Ris.t ............................. ok t/RotatingCollections.t ............. ok t/Scheduler.t ....................... 1/6 Use of uninitialized value $stdTime in pattern match (m//) at /usr/share/perl5/Schedule/ line 194. Use of uninitialized value $year in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/perl5/Schedule/ line 201. Use of uninitialized value $month in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/perl5/Schedule/ line 202. Use of uninitialized value $day in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/perl5/Schedule/ line 203. Use of uninitialized value $hour in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/perl5/Schedule/ line 204. Use of uninitialized value $mins in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/perl5/Schedule/ line 205. Use of uninitialized value $params{"COMMAND"} in print at /usr/share/perl5/Schedule/ line 68. t/Scheduler.t ....................... ok t/Scrubber.t ........................ 1/19 # Note: scrubber test output will have whitespace collapsed for readability # done. t/Scrubber.t ........................ ok t/Search_PazPar2.t .................. 1/8 400 URL must be absolute at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Search/ line 68. 400 URL must be absolute at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Search/ line 84. 400 URL must be absolute at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Search/ line 99. 400 URL must be absolute at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Search/ line 121. 400 URL must be absolute at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Search/ line 142. 400 URL must be absolute at /home/hugh/code/koha/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Search/ line 159. t/Search_PazPar2.t .................. ok t/SIP_Sip.t ......................... 1/8 verify_cksum: no sum detected at /home/hugh/code/koha/t/../C4/SIP/Sip/ line 24. t/SIP_Sip.t ......................... ok t/SMS.t ............................. ok t/SocialData.t ...................... ok t/Stats.t ........................... ok t/SuggestionEngine.t ................ ok t/SuggestionEngine_AuthorityFile.t .. ok t/TmplToken.t ....................... ok t/Utils.t ........................... ok t/VirtualShelves_Merge.t ............ ok t/XSLT.t ............................ ok t/Z3950.t ........................... ok Test Summary Report ------------------- t/Calendar.t (Wstat: 768 Tests: 35 Failed: 3) Failed tests: 23, 29, 35 Non-zero exit status: 3 Files=92, Tests=8303, 27 wallclock secs ( 2.40 usr 0.27 sys + 21.93 cusr 2.45 csys = 27.05 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 1/92 test programs. 3/8303 subtests failed. make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255 hugh@hugh-desktop:~/code/koha (master)$ My system is: Debian Wheezy (current testing), multiarch setup with i386/amd64 git commit 20a8efcad892673bdf0fbf1fdab906032a20680d Not sure if related, but when installing the dependencies, I came across in Business:ISBN Cheers, Hugh
Hugh, Those tests fail because the calendar code is broken in master (and 3.10). There is a patch fixing the problem on bug 9211, but before I push it I need feedback on how to test the problem other than with the unit test. Regards, Jared
Ah right, sorry didn't find that bug in my searches :D
same error occured PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 KOHA_CONF=blib/KOHA_CONF_DIR/koha-conf.xml /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-checkdatabase-version.t ........ ok t/00-deprecated.t ................... ok t/00-load.t ......................... 1/? "my" variable $stylesheet masks earlier declaration in same scope at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 313. t/00-load.t ......................... 51/? Subroutine main::GetContract redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.14/Test/ line 885. Too late to run INIT block at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 41. Too late to run INIT block at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/External/ line 42. "my" variable $DEBUG masks earlier declaration in same scope at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 43. "my" variable $DEBUG masks earlier declaration in same scope at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 77. t/00-load.t ......................... ok t/00-merge-conflict-markers.t ....... ok t/00-testcritic.t ................... skipped: Author test. Set $ENV{TEST_QA} to a true value to run t/00-valid-xml.t .................... ok t/AuthoritiesMarc_MARC21.t .......... ok t/AuthoritiesMarc_UNIMARC.t ......... ok t/Barcodes_annual.t ................. ok t/Barcodes_EAN13.t .................. ok t/Barcodes_hbyymmincr.t ............. ok t/Barcodes_incremental.t ............ ok t/Barcodes_PrinterConfig.t .......... 1/6 Use of uninitialized value $labelHeigth in division (/) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 113. Use of uninitialized value $marginBottom in addition (+) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 113. Use of uninitialized value $labelHeigth in multiplication (*) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 115. Use of uninitialized value $rows in numeric lt (<) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 117. Use of uninitialized value $labelWidth in division (/) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 84. Use of uninitialized value $marginLeft in addition (+) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 84. Use of uninitialized value $labelWidth in multiplication (*) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 86. Use of uninitialized value $columns in numeric lt (<) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 88. Use of uninitialized value $labelHeigth in division (/) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 113. Use of uninitialized value $marginBottom in addition (+) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 113. Use of uninitialized value $labelHeigth in multiplication (*) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 115. Use of uninitialized value $labelWidth in division (/) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 84. Use of uninitialized value $marginLeft in addition (+) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 84. Use of uninitialized value $labelWidth in multiplication (*) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 86. Use of uninitialized value $rows in numeric le (<=) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 193. t/Barcodes_PrinterConfig.t .......... ok t/Barcodes_ValueBuilder.t ........... "my" variable $DEBUG masks earlier declaration in same scope at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 43. "my" variable $DEBUG masks earlier declaration in same scope at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line 77. t/Barcodes_ValueBuilder.t ........... ok t/Bookseller.t ...................... ok t/Boolean.t ......................... 1/13 The given value does not seem to be interpretable as a Boolean value at t/Boolean.t line 20. The given value does not seem to be interpretable as a Boolean value at t/Boolean.t line 21. The given value does not seem to be interpretable as a Boolean value at t/Boolean.t line 22. t/Boolean.t ......................... ok t/Branch.t .......................... ok t/Breeding.t ........................ ok t/Budgets.t ......................... ok t/Cache.t ........................... 1/9 Use of uninitialized value in split at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/Koha/Cache/ line 31. t/Cache.t ........................... ok t/Calendar.t ........................ 2/35 # Failed test 'Test parameter order not relevant (Days)' # at t/Calendar.t line 244. # got: 56 # expected: 40 # Failed test 'Test parameter order not relevant (Calendar)' # at t/Calendar.t line 284. # got: 56 # expected: 40 # Failed test 'Test parameter order not relevant (Days)' # at t/Calendar.t line 323. # got: 56 # expected: 40 # Looks like you failed 3 tests of 35. t/Calendar.t ........................ Dubious, test returned 3 (wstat 768, 0x300) Failed 3/35 subtests t/Category.t ........................ ok t/Charset.t ......................... 1/6 "\c3" is more clearly written simply as "s" at t/Charset.t line 14. t/Charset.t ......................... ok t/Circulation_barcodedecode.t ....... ok t/ClassSortRoutine.t ................ ok t/ClassSortRoutine_Dewey.t .......... ok t/ClassSortRoutine_Generic.t ........ ok t/ClassSortRoutine_LCC.t ............ ok t/ClassSource.t ..................... ok t/Contract.t ........................ ok t/Creators.t ........................ ok t/Dates.t ........................... 1/327 # # In order to run without DB access, this test will substitute 'us' # as your default date format. Export environmental variable KOHA_TEST_DATE_FORMAT # to override this default, or pass the value as an argument to this test script. # # NOTE: we test for the system handling dd=00 and 00 for TIME values, therefore # you SHOULD see some warnings like: # Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t ... # # Testing Legacy Functions: format_date and format_date_in_iso # Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 0) at t/Dates.t line 61. Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 61. Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 64. # # Testing 5 formats. # Testing no input (defaults): # # Testing with valid inputs: Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 0) at t/Dates.t line 83. Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 83. Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 83. Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 83. Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 83. Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 83. # # Testing object independence from class # done. t/Dates.t ........................... ok t/DateUtils.t ....................... 1/28 "my" variable $date_string masks earlier declaration in same scope at t/DateUtils.t line 29. t/DateUtils.t ....................... ok t/Debug.t ........................... # BEFORE use: $debug is not defined # BEFORE use: $cgi_debug is not defined t/Debug.t ........................... 1/5 # AFTER use: $debug is 5 # AFTER use: $cgi_debug is 2 # Done. t/Debug.t ........................... ok t/dummy.t ........................... ok t/External_Syndetics.t .............. ok t/Form_MessagingPreferences.t ....... ok t/Heading.t ......................... ok t/ILSDI_Services.t .................. ok t/ILSDI_Utility.t ................... ok t/Images.t .......................... ok t/ImportBatch.t ..................... ok t/Input.t ........................... ok t/Installer_PerlDependencies.t ...... ok t/Installer_PerlModules.t ........... ok t/Installer_pm.t .................... ok t/ItemCirculationAlertPreference.t .. ok t/ItemType.t ........................ ok t/Koha.t ............................ ok t/Labels.t .......................... 1/6 Use of uninitialized value $llx in concatenation (.) or string at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 68. Use of uninitialized value $lly in concatenation (.) or string at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 68. Use of uninitialized value $width in concatenation (.) or string at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 68. Use of uninitialized value $height in concatenation (.) or string at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 68. Use of uninitialized value $_ in string eq at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 103. Use of uninitialized value $_ in pattern match (m//) at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 116. Use of uninitialized value $_ in sprintf at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 126. regexp failed to match string: at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 126. Use of uninitialized value in split at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Labels/ line 129. t/Labels.t .......................... ok t/Labels_split_ccn.t ................ ok t/Labels_split_ddcn.t ............... ok t/Labels_split_lccn.t ............... ok t/Languages.t ....................... 1/4 Use of uninitialized value $interface in string eq at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 247. readdir() attempted on invalid dirhandle D at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 254. Use of uninitialized value $htdocs in concatenation (.) or string at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 271. Use of uninitialized value $theme in concatenation (.) or string at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 271. accept_language(x,y) called with no clientPreferences (x). at t/Languages.t line 19. t/Languages.t ....................... ok t/Letters.t ......................... ok t/Log.t ............................. ok t/Maintainance.t .................... ok t/Matcher.t ......................... ok t/Members_Attributes.t .............. ok t/Members_AttributeTypes.t .......... ok t/Members_Messaging.t ............... ok t/Message.t ......................... ok t/NewsChannels.t .................... ok t/Output.t .......................... ok t/Output_JSONStream.t ............... ok t/Overdues.t ........................ ok t/Patroncards.t ..................... ok t/Patroncards_Batch.t ............... ok t/Patroncards_Layout.t .............. ok t/Patroncards_Lib.t ................. ok t/Patroncards_Patroncard.t .......... ok t/Patroncards_Profile.t ............. ok t/Patroncards_Template.t ............ ok t/Print.t ........................... ok t/RecordProcessor.t ................. ok t/Review.t .......................... ok t/Ris.t ............................. 1/6 Use of uninitialized value $leader in substr at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 342. substr outside of string at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 342. Use of uninitialized value $C4::Ris::intype in string eq at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 350. Use of uninitialized value $C4::Ris::intype in string eq at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 350. Use of uninitialized value $C4::Ris::intype in string eq at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 353. Use of uninitialized value $typeofrecord in exists at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 361. Use of uninitialized value $C4::Ris::uniout in string eq at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 966. Use of uninitialized value $C4::Ris::uniout in string eq at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 966. t/Ris.t ............................. ok t/RotatingCollections.t ............. ok t/Scheduler.t ....................... 1/6 Use of uninitialized value $stdTime in pattern match (m//) at /usr/share/perl5/Schedule/ line 194. Use of uninitialized value $year in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/perl5/Schedule/ line 201. Use of uninitialized value $month in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/perl5/Schedule/ line 202. Use of uninitialized value $day in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/perl5/Schedule/ line 203. Use of uninitialized value $hour in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/perl5/Schedule/ line 204. Use of uninitialized value $mins in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/perl5/Schedule/ line 205. Use of uninitialized value $params{"COMMAND"} in print at /usr/share/perl5/Schedule/ line 68. t/Scheduler.t ....................... ok t/Scrubber.t ........................ 1/19 # Note: scrubber test output will have whitespace collapsed for readability # done. t/Scrubber.t ........................ ok t/Search_PazPar2.t .................. 1/8 400 URL must be absolute at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Search/ line 68. 400 URL must be absolute at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Search/ line 84. 400 URL must be absolute at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Search/ line 99. 400 URL must be absolute at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Search/ line 121. 400 URL must be absolute at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Search/ line 142. 400 URL must be absolute at /build/koha-3.10.02/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Search/ line 159. t/Search_PazPar2.t .................. ok t/SIP_Sip.t ......................... 1/8 verify_cksum: no sum detected at /build/koha-3.10.02/t/../C4/SIP/Sip/ line 24. t/SIP_Sip.t ......................... ok t/SMS.t ............................. ok t/SocialData.t ...................... ok t/Stats.t ........................... ok t/SuggestionEngine.t ................ ok t/SuggestionEngine_AuthorityFile.t .. ok t/TmplToken.t ....................... ok t/Utils.t ........................... ok t/VirtualShelves_Merge.t ............ ok t/XSLT.t ............................ ok t/Z3950.t ........................... ok Test Summary Report ------------------- t/Calendar.t (Wstat: 768 Tests: 35 Failed: 3) Failed tests: 23, 29, 35 Non-zero exit status: 3 Files=92, Tests=8424, 60 wallclock secs ( 2.52 usr 0.32 sys + 48.17 cusr 3.78 csys = 54.79 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 1/92 test programs. 3/8424 subtests failed. make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
(In reply to Jared Camins-Esakov from comment #1) > Those tests fail because the calendar code is broken in master (and 3.10). > There is a patch fixing the problem on bug 9211 The patch for Bug 9211 has been pushed to master so I assume this bug is no longer valid.
(In reply to Owen Leonard from comment #4) > (In reply to Jared Camins-Esakov from comment #1) > > Those tests fail because the calendar code is broken in master (and 3.10). > > There is a patch fixing the problem on bug 9211 > > The patch for Bug 9211 has been pushed to master so I assume this bug is no > longer valid. This bug has been solved in 3.12.x, 3.14.x, 3.16.x and master.