In Receipt summary page, there are filters on the left : - isbn, author, title - basket - orderline - ean It would be useful to add a filter by basketgroup number. Additionnaly, "basket" could be rename "basket number", and "ean" could be moved just behind "isbn, author, title" M. Saby Rennes 2 university
Created attachment 16001 [details] [review] Bug 9560: Add a filter by basketgroup number in receipt page Currently, it is not possible to filter received items using basketgroup number. For libraries using basketgroup, this could be an interesting feature. This patch add a filter by basketgroup number in receipt page. Additionally, it renames "basket" filter into more explicit "basket number" (before, librarians could think the filter take into account basket name), and it move EAN filter (visible only in unimarc flavor) in 2d position. to test: 1. create a basket with some orders 2. close it and put in a basketgroup. Note the number of the basketgroup. 3. try the old and the new filters in reception page M. Saby
I will make later an other patch for making basketgroups number visibles in the table listing all the received documents. M. Saby
Le patch s'applique correctement et fonctionne. Il y a un problème tout de même sur l'affichage dans les bordereaux / Modification Le bouton "Enregistrer" en bas n'est pas visible (masqué par la barre de changement de langue)
Bonjour The problem is probably not linked to the patch. I noticed it on other pages. If you are in Marseille, could you ask somebody's else opinion ? M. Saby
Created attachment 16310 [details] [review] [PATCH][Revised] Bug 7593: Move orders on the destination record when merging 2 records To be tested again... Revision : execute code before deleting the record Note : this patch uses Acquisition::GetOrdersByBiblionumber created by bug 9780. So you need to apply bug 9780 before testing this one. At present, merging records breaks the link order/record. This patch moves existing orders from deleted record to destination record. To test : 1. create a basket with one order 2. put the record used by this order in a list 3. put an other record in the list 4. merge the 2 records 5. check if the order in the basket is updated M. Saby
Ahhh, file attached to the wrong bug!
Comment on attachment 16001 [details] [review] Bug 9560: Add a filter by basketgroup number in receipt page attachement deleted by mistake... M. Saby
filters work only if you receipt one item. Before reception, it's not possible to find somethin using filters. Other question : is it normal than this filters work only for the supplier which has been choosen ? No possibility to find all the basket begging by a certain basket groupe name, basket number (for exemple : BULAC-2013) ?
For the 1st problem, I can not reproduce. For the 2d point, the behavior is the same for baskets. It is logical, as you are not supposed to receive orders from vendors other than the one you choose when you begin to receive. Could you retest and confirm the 1st problem ? Mathieu Saby
It will be a good idea to remplace "Basketgroup number" with basketgroup name ?
In Rennes 2, we search basketgroup by number, so it is usefull for us. But I could keep basketgroup number and add an other filter for basketgroup name. Mathieu
Rather that signing this patch, you should better sign this one I will "reactivate" 9560 after 10124 is pushed. Mathieu
an other patch added a filter by basketgroup