catch {
# FIXME: See if we can move the below copy/paste from Koha::Object::store into it's own class and catch at a lower level in the Schema instantiation.. take inspiration fro DBIx::Error
# FIXME: See if we can move the below copy/paste from Koha::Object::store into it's own class and catch at a lower level in the Schema instantiation, take inspiration from DBIx::Error
if ( ref($_) eq 'DBIx::Class::Exception' ) {
warn $_->{msg};
if ( $_->{msg} =~ /Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails/ ) {
[% IF bundlesEnabled %]
var bundle_settings = [% TablesSettings.GetTableSettings('catalogue', 'detail','bundle_tables','json') | $raw %];
var bundle_lost_value = [% Koha.Preference('BundleLostValue') %];
var bundle_lost_value = [% Koha.Preference('BundleLostValue') | html %];
[% END %]
$(document).ready(function() {