Lines 302-307
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
302 |
('IndependentBranchesPatronModifications','0', NULL, 'Show only modification request for the logged in branch','YesNo'), |
302 |
('IndependentBranchesPatronModifications','0', NULL, 'Show only modification request for the logged in branch','YesNo'), |
303 |
('IndependentBranchesTransfers','0', NULL, 'Allow non-superlibrarians to transfer items between libraries','YesNo'), |
303 |
('IndependentBranchesTransfers','0', NULL, 'Allow non-superlibrarians to transfer items between libraries','YesNo'), |
304 |
('IntranetAddMastheadLibraryPulldown','0', NULL, 'Add a library select pulldown menu on the staff header search','YesNo'), |
304 |
('IntranetAddMastheadLibraryPulldown','0', NULL, 'Add a library select pulldown menu on the staff header search','YesNo'), |
305 |
('IntranetAcquisitionsHomeHTML', '', NULL, 'Show the following HTML in a div on the bottom of the acquisitions home page', 'Free'), |
306 |
('IntranetAuthoritiesHomeHTML', '', NULL, 'Show the following HTML in a div on the bottom of the authorities home page', 'Free'), |
307 |
('IntranetCatalogingHomeHTML', '', NULL, 'Show the following HTML in a div on the bottom of the cataloging home page', 'Free'), |
305 |
('IntranetCatalogSearchPulldown','0', NULL, 'Show a search field pulldown for \"Search the catalog\" boxes','YesNo'), |
308 |
('IntranetCatalogSearchPulldown','0', NULL, 'Show a search field pulldown for \"Search the catalog\" boxes','YesNo'), |
306 |
('OnSiteCheckouts','0','','Enable/Disable the on-site checkouts feature','YesNo'), |
309 |
('OnSiteCheckouts','0','','Enable/Disable the on-site checkouts feature','YesNo'), |
307 |
('OnSiteCheckoutsForce','0','','Enable/Disable the on-site for all cases (Even if a user is debarred, etc.)','YesNo'), |
310 |
('OnSiteCheckoutsForce','0','','Enable/Disable the on-site for all cases (Even if a user is debarred, etc.)','YesNo'), |
Lines 312-322
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
312 |
('IntranetCoce','0', NULL, 'If on, enables cover retrieval from the configured Coce server in the staff interface', 'YesNo'), |
315 |
('IntranetCoce','0', NULL, 'If on, enables cover retrieval from the configured Coce server in the staff interface', 'YesNo'), |
313 |
('intranetcolorstylesheet','','50','Define the color stylesheet to use in the staff interface','free'), |
316 |
('intranetcolorstylesheet','','50','Define the color stylesheet to use in the staff interface','free'), |
314 |
('IntranetFavicon','','','Enter a complete URL to an image to replace the default Koha favicon on the staff interface','free'), |
317 |
('IntranetFavicon','','','Enter a complete URL to an image to replace the default Koha favicon on the staff interface','free'), |
318 |
('IntranetListsHomeHTML', '', NULL, 'Show the following HTML in a div on the bottom of the lists home page', 'Free'), |
315 |
('IntranetmainUserblock','','70|10','Add a block of HTML that will display on the intranet home page','Textarea'), |
319 |
('IntranetmainUserblock','','70|10','Add a block of HTML that will display on the intranet home page','Textarea'), |
316 |
('IntranetNav','','70|10','Use HTML tabs to add navigational links to the top-hand navigational bar in the staff interface','Textarea'), |
320 |
('IntranetNav','','70|10','Use HTML tabs to add navigational links to the top-hand navigational bar in the staff interface','Textarea'), |
317 |
('IntranetNumbersPreferPhrase','0',NULL,'Control the use of phr operator in callnumber and standard number staff interface searches','YesNo'), |
321 |
('IntranetNumbersPreferPhrase','0',NULL,'Control the use of phr operator in callnumber and standard number staff interface searches','YesNo'), |
322 |
('IntranetPatronsHomeHTML', '', NULL, 'Show the following HTML in a div on the bottom of the patrons home page', 'Free'), |
323 |
('IntranetPOSHomeHTML', '', NULL, 'Show the following HTML in a div on the bottom of the point of sale home page', 'Free'), |
318 |
('intranetreadinghistory','1','','If ON, Checkout history is enabled for all patrons','YesNo'), |
324 |
('intranetreadinghistory','1','','If ON, Checkout history is enabled for all patrons','YesNo'), |
319 |
('IntranetReportsHomeHTML', '', NULL, 'Show the following HTML in a div on the bottom of the reports home page', 'Free'), |
325 |
('IntranetReportsHomeHTML', '', NULL, 'Show the following HTML in a div on the bottom of the reports home page', 'Free'), |
326 |
('IntranetSerialsHomeHTML', '', NULL, 'Show the following HTML in a div on the bottom of the serials home page', 'Free'), |
320 |
('IntranetSlipPrinterJS','','','Use this JavaScript for printing slips. Define at least function printThenClose(). For use e.g. with Firefox PlugIn jsPrintSetup, see','Free'), |
327 |
('IntranetSlipPrinterJS','','','Use this JavaScript for printing slips. Define at least function printThenClose(). For use e.g. with Firefox PlugIn jsPrintSetup, see','Free'), |
321 |
('intranetstylesheet','','50','Enter a complete URL to use an alternate layout stylesheet in Intranet','free'), |
328 |
('intranetstylesheet','','50','Enter a complete URL to use an alternate layout stylesheet in Intranet','free'), |
322 |
('IntranetUserCSS','',NULL,'Add CSS to be included in the intranet in an embedded <style> tag.','free'), |
329 |
('IntranetUserCSS','',NULL,'Add CSS to be included in the intranet in an embedded <style> tag.','free'), |