Lines 630-635
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
Link Here
630 |
('PreservationNotForLoanDefaultTrainIn', '', '', 'Not for loan to apply to items removed from the preservation waiting list', 'TextArea'), |
630 |
('PreservationNotForLoanDefaultTrainIn', '', '', 'Not for loan to apply to items removed from the preservation waiting list', 'TextArea'), |
631 |
('PreservationNotForLoanWaitingListIn', '', '', 'Not for loan to apply to items added to the preservation waiting list', 'TextArea'), |
631 |
('PreservationNotForLoanWaitingListIn', '', '', 'Not for loan to apply to items added to the preservation waiting list', 'TextArea'), |
632 |
('PreserveSerialNotes','1','','When a new "Expected" issue is generated, should it be prefilled with last created issue notes?','YesNo'), |
632 |
('PreserveSerialNotes','1','','When a new "Expected" issue is generated, should it be prefilled with last created issue notes?','YesNo'), |
633 |
('PreventWithdrawingItemsStatus', '1', '', 'Prevent the withdrawing of items based on certain statuses' , 'multiple'), |
633 |
('previousIssuesDefaultSortOrder','asc','asc|desc','Specify the sort order of Previous Issues on the circulation page','Choice'), |
634 |
('previousIssuesDefaultSortOrder','asc','asc|desc','Specify the sort order of Previous Issues on the circulation page','Choice'), |
634 |
('PrintNoticesMaxLines','0','','If greater than 0, sets the maximum number of lines an overdue notice will print. If the number of items is greater than this number, the notice will end with a warning asking the borrower to check their online account for a full list of overdue items.','Integer'), |
635 |
('PrintNoticesMaxLines','0','','If greater than 0, sets the maximum number of lines an overdue notice will print. If the number of items is greater than this number, the notice will end with a warning asking the borrower to check their online account for a full list of overdue items.','Integer'), |
635 |
('PrivacyPolicyConsent','','Enforced|Permissive|Disabled','Data privacy policy consent in the OPAC', 'Choice'), |
636 |
('PrivacyPolicyConsent','','Enforced|Permissive|Disabled','Data privacy policy consent in the OPAC', 'Choice'), |