Lines 250-255
INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `
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250 |
('LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl', 'holdingbranch', 'holdingbranch|homebranch', 'decides if the feature operates using the item''s home or holding library.', 'Choice'), |
250 |
('LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl', 'holdingbranch', 'holdingbranch|homebranch', 'decides if the feature operates using the item''s home or holding library.', 'Choice'), |
251 |
('LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl', 'PickupLibrary', 'HomeLibrary|PickupLibrary', 'decides if the feature operates using the library set as the patron''s home library, or the library set as the pickup library for the given hold.', 'Choice'), |
251 |
('LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl', 'PickupLibrary', 'HomeLibrary|PickupLibrary', 'decides if the feature operates using the library set as the patron''s home library, or the library set as the pickup library for the given hold.', 'Choice'), |
252 |
('makePreviousSerialAvailable','0','','make previous serial automatically available when collecting a new serial. Please note that the item-level_itypes syspref must be set to specific item.','YesNo'), |
252 |
('makePreviousSerialAvailable','0','','make previous serial automatically available when collecting a new serial. Please note that the item-level_itypes syspref must be set to specific item.','YesNo'), |
253 |
('Mana','1',NULL,'request to Mana Webservice. Mana centralize commun information between other Koha to facilitate the creation of new subscriptions, vendors, report queries etc... You can search, share, import and comment the content of Mana.','YesNo'), |
254 |
('hide_marc','0',NULL,'If ON, disables display of MARC fields, subfield codes & indicators (still shows data)','YesNo'), |
253 |
('ManInvInNoissuesCharge','1',NULL,'MANUAL_INV charges block checkouts (added to noissuescharge).','YesNo'), |
255 |
('ManInvInNoissuesCharge','1',NULL,'MANUAL_INV charges block checkouts (added to noissuescharge).','YesNo'), |
254 |
('MARCAuthorityControlField008','|| aca||aabn | a|a d',NULL,'Define the contents of MARC21 authority control field 008 position 06-39','Textarea'), |
256 |
('MARCAuthorityControlField008','|| aca||aabn | a|a d',NULL,'Define the contents of MARC21 authority control field 008 position 06-39','Textarea'), |
255 |
('MarcFieldsToOrder','',NULL,'Set the mapping values for a new order line created from a MARC record in a staged file. In a YAML format.','textarea'), |
257 |
('MarcFieldsToOrder','',NULL,'Set the mapping values for a new order line created from a MARC record in a staged file. In a YAML format.','textarea'), |