MARC Code List for Relators - comparison with and changes required to the Koha RELTERMS list
Bug 34677 - MARC Code List for Relators - comparison with and changes required to the RELTERMS list.ods (application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet), 44.86 KB, created by David Nind on 2023-09-23 21:39:34 UTC
Creator: David Nind
Created: 2023-09-23 21:39:34 UTC
Size: 44.86 KB

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Attachments on bug 34677: 155029 | 155030 | 155031 | 155032 | 155033 | 155153 | 155154 | 155155 | 155156 | 155157 | 156131 | 156132 | 156623 | 156624 | 156625 | 156626 | 156627 | 156628 | 156629 | 156630