[patch] Bug 10190: Add itemtypes and patron categories to the item/patron api clients
Bug-10190-Add-itemtypes-and-patron-categories-to-t.patch (text/plain), 2.04 KB, created by Martin Renvoize (ashimema) on 2024-08-15 11:36:48 UTC
Creator: Martin Renvoize (ashimema)
Created: 2024-08-15 11:36:48 UTC
Size: 2.04 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 10190: 170357 | 170358 | 170359 | 170360 | 170361 | 170362 | 170363 | 170364 | 170365 | 170366 | 170367 | 170368 | 170369 | 170370 | 170371 | 170372 | 170373 | 170374 | 170375 | 170376 | 170380 | 170449 | 171727 | 171728 | 171729 | 171730 | 171731 | 171732 | 171733 | 171734 | 171735 | 171736 | 171737 | 171738 | 171739 | 171740 | 171741 | 171742 | 171743 | 171744 | 171745 | 171746 | 171747 | 171748 | 171749 | 171750 | 171751 | 171752 | 171753 | 171754 | 171755 | 172588 | 172589 | 172590 | 172591 | 172592 | 172593 | 172594 | 172595 | 172596 | 172597 | 172598 | 172599 | 172600 | 172601 | 172602 | 172603 | 172604 | 172605 | 172606 | 172607 | 172608 | 172609 | 172612 | 172614 | 172617 | 172619 | 172621 | 172622 | 172623 | 172624 | 172625 | 172626 | 172630 | 172631 | 172632 | 172633 | 172634 | 172635 | 172636 | 172637 | 172638 | 172639 | 172640 | 172641 | 172642 | 172643 | 172644 | 172645 | 172646 | 172647 | 172648 | 172649 | 172650 | 172651 | 172652 | 172653 | 172654 | 172655 | 172656 | 172657 | 172658 | 172659 | 172660 | 172661 | 172662 | 172663