Fri Mar 14 2025 17:49:28 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
30719 Koha ILL pedro.amorim Need --- ILL should provide the ability to create batch requests 2025-02-06
22440 Koha ILL tomascohen RESO FIXE Improve ILL page performance by moving to server side filtering 2024-09-06
33716 Koha ILL pedro.amorim RESO FIXE ILL - Allow for a disclaimer stage per request type 2024-07-17
26636 Koha REST API agustinmoyano CLOS FIXE Add objects.find Mojolicious helper 2022-06-06
32768 Koha Staff in pedro.amorim CLOS FIXE Autocomplete suggestions container should always be on top of other UI elements 2024-12-23
33762 Koha ILL pedro.amorim CLOS FIXE Restore page-section in ILL 2024-12-23
33786 Koha ILL pedro.amorim CLOS FIXE ILL requests table pagination in patron ILL history is transposing for different patrons 2024-12-23
26635 Koha REST API tomascohen CLOS FIXE Expand coded values in REST API call 2024-12-23
29032 Koha REST API tomascohen CLOS FIXE ILL route unusable (slow) 2023-06-08
9 bugs found.


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