Votes Bug # Summary
Koha (bug list) (Note: only 10 votes allowed per bug in this product.)
10 8959 Self checkout timeout is JavaScript-dependent (Show Votes)
10 9097 Add option to trigger 'Welcome mail' manually (Show Votes)
10 9181 Add patron messaging preferences to batch patron modification tool (Show Votes)
1 9938 Batch patron deletion based on list of cardnumbers or borrowernumbers (Show Votes)
1 12556 SelfCheck machine starts the hold instantly with an email sent out (Show Votes)
10 15986 Add a script for sending hold waiting reminder notices (Show Votes)
10 16748 Batch checkout needs set due date (Show Votes)
10 16786 Cannot add multiple emails addresses in an email field (Show Votes)
10 19532 Recalls for Koha (Show Votes)
10 19814 Batch Check-in function (Show Votes)
82 votes used out of 200 allowed.

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