We're planning to send out a survey to identify their preferences with respect to Advance Notice about item due dates. With several hundred potential patrons to update, it would be extremely helpful to be able to update their preferences as part of a batch process. And why not add OPAC notes as well? Cheers, Cab Vinton
Hello Everyone! This feature will be quite useful for us also. Is there any development on this? Thank you very much Kind regards
Hi Francisco, to my knowledge there is no development on this yet. The "Change sponsored?" is empty and the Assignee here is the 'default' - so in this case not indicating someone actively working on it.
+1 - this would be super-useful!
*** Bug 30219 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This would be very helpful. Use case - an entire category of patrons is being moved to "Books By Mail" service, which receive no notifications. However, their current patron category receives ALL the notices. The options to adjust the Notifications are either for staff to do it (very time consuming) or a request for the Data Team to correct it (if supported by a vendor). It would save time for everyone if the sysadmins could just update it in Batch.
This would be really nice.