Back to bug 26314

Who When What Removed Added
martin.renvoize 2021-08-09 10:45:31 UTC Status NEW Needs Signoff
CC martin.renvoize
martin.renvoize 2021-08-09 10:45:37 UTC Assignee koha-bugs martin.renvoize
martin.renvoize 2021-08-09 11:23:24 UTC Depends on 28830
martin.renvoize 2021-08-09 12:24:37 UTC CC katrin.fischer
fridolin.somers 2021-08-17 05:37:15 UTC CC fridolin.somers
martin.renvoize 2021-09-01 13:39:49 UTC Attachment #123615 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
martin.renvoize 2021-09-01 15:09:13 UTC Depends on 28316
martin.renvoize 2021-09-01 15:14:01 UTC Attachment #124367 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
martin.renvoize 2021-09-01 15:23:25 UTC Depends on 28484
martin.renvoize 2021-09-06 12:22:54 UTC See Also
martin.renvoize 2021-10-18 17:13:33 UTC Attachment #124380 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
martin.renvoize 2021-10-18 17:13:36 UTC Attachment #124381 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
martin.renvoize 2021-10-27 07:52:42 UTC Attachment #126448 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
martin.renvoize 2021-10-27 07:52:46 UTC Attachment #126449 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
martin.renvoize 2021-10-27 07:52:49 UTC Attachment #126450 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
martin.renvoize 2021-11-09 13:47:16 UTC See Also
katrin.fischer 2023-05-11 13:16:23 UTC CC michaela.sieber
phil 2023-05-12 20:25:55 UTC CC phil
Status Needs Signoff Patch doesn't apply
martin.renvoize 2023-09-08 15:18:58 UTC Attachment #126952 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
martin.renvoize 2023-09-08 15:19:01 UTC Attachment #126953 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
martin.renvoize 2023-09-08 15:19:03 UTC Attachment #126954 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
martin.renvoize 2023-09-08 15:19:06 UTC Attachment #126955 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
martin.renvoize 2023-09-08 15:20:20 UTC Status Patch doesn't apply Needs Signoff
sandboxes 2023-09-08 16:06:22 UTC Attachment #155437 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
sandboxes 2023-09-08 16:06:25 UTC Attachment #155438 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
sandboxes 2023-09-08 16:06:28 UTC Attachment #155439 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
sandboxes 2023-09-08 16:06:31 UTC Attachment #155440 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
sandboxes 2023-09-08 16:06:33 UTC Attachment #155441 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
michaela.sieber 2023-09-08 16:23:33 UTC Status Needs Signoff Signed Off
martin.renvoize 2023-09-08 20:57:15 UTC Patch complexity --- Trivial patch
katrin.fischer 2023-09-15 09:42:55 UTC QA Contact testopia katrin.fischer
katrin.fischer 2023-09-15 14:06:51 UTC Patch complexity Trivial patch Small patch
Status Signed Off Passed QA
katrin.fischer 2023-09-15 14:06:54 UTC Attachment #155446 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
katrin.fischer 2023-09-15 14:06:56 UTC Attachment #155447 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
katrin.fischer 2023-09-15 14:06:59 UTC Attachment #155448 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
katrin.fischer 2023-09-15 14:07:01 UTC Attachment #155449 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
katrin.fischer 2023-09-15 14:07:04 UTC Attachment #155450 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
katrin.fischer 2023-09-15 14:07:27 UTC Attachment #155670 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
katrin.fischer 2023-09-15 14:07:30 UTC Attachment #155671 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
katrin.fischer 2023-09-15 14:07:33 UTC Attachment #155672 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
katrin.fischer 2023-09-15 14:07:35 UTC Attachment #155673 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
katrin.fischer 2023-09-15 14:07:38 UTC Attachment #155674 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
katrin.fischer 2023-09-15 14:07:41 UTC Attachment #155675 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
tomascohen 2023-10-17 17:46:54 UTC Version(s) released in 23.11.00
Status Passed QA Pushed to master
nick 2023-10-18 17:33:58 UTC Blocks 35099
jonathan.druart 2023-10-19 15:47:27 UTC Keywords release-notes-needed
CC jonathan.druart+koha
jonathan.druart 2023-10-19 15:47:32 UTC Keywords release-notes-needed
jonathan.druart 2023-10-19 15:48:45 UTC Keywords release-notes-needed
fridolin.somers 2023-10-25 06:20:46 UTC Status Pushed to master Needs documenting
katrin.fischer 2023-11-14 09:26:22 UTC Blocks 35330
martin.renvoize 2023-11-30 13:05:04 UTC Text to go in the release notes This development changes how the _Show volumes_ link is displayed in both OPAC and staff interface.

The main change is:
* It is only displayed if it would actually have results (right now it always shows, and the link can point to empty results)
martin.renvoize 2023-11-30 13:05:30 UTC See Also
katrin.fischer 2023-11-30 15:08:49 UTC Text to go in the release notes This development changes how the _Show volumes_ link is displayed in both OPAC and staff interface.

The main change is:
* It is only displayed if it would actually have results (right now it always shows, and the link can point to empty results)
This development changes how the _Show volumes_ link is displayed in both OPAC and staff interface.

The main change is that the link will only be displayed when it will have results. Currently the link will always display, sometimes leading to no results.
Keywords release-notes-needed
flyingendpaper 2024-02-14 15:08:37 UTC CC heather_hernandez
caroline.cyr-la-rose 2024-02-14 15:22:29 UTC CC caroline.cyr-la-rose
katrin.fischer 2024-02-15 00:09:44 UTC Comment 39 Tag important
esther.melander 2024-05-06 19:46:43 UTC CC esther.melander
martin.renvoize 2024-07-25 11:15:09 UTC CC martin.renvoize
mathsabypro 2024-08-04 15:34:34 UTC CC mathsabypro
esther.melander 2024-10-18 19:37:13 UTC Documentation submission
esther.melander 2024-12-12 16:28:00 UTC Resolution --- FIXED
Status Needs documenting RESOLVED
Documentation contact Esther Melander

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