Back to bug 37385

Who When What Removed Added
kebliss 2024-07-17 19:25:34 UTC CC kebliss
kyle 2024-07-18 11:29:25 UTC CC kyle
Assignee koha-bugs kyle
kyle 2024-07-18 13:04:42 UTC Status NEW Needs Signoff
lucas 2024-07-18 13:10:32 UTC CC lucas
Version 24.05 Main
lucas 2024-07-18 13:16:35 UTC Status Needs Signoff Signed Off
lucas 2024-07-18 13:16:37 UTC Attachment #169132 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
lucas 2024-07-18 13:17:26 UTC Summary Transfer not triggered automatically when cancelling a hold by checking item in Transfer/next hold modals not triggered automatically when cancelling a hold by checking item in
lucas 2024-07-18 13:19:10 UTC CC sbrown
andrew 2024-07-18 13:34:52 UTC CC andrewfh
kyle 2024-07-18 17:55:20 UTC Attachment #169134 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
emily.lamancusa 2024-07-18 19:47:08 UTC Attachment #169161 Attachment is obsolete 0 1
emily.lamancusa 2024-07-18 19:47:59 UTC CC emily.lamancusa
Status Signed Off Passed QA
QA Contact testopia emily.lamancusa
lucas 2024-07-18 19:50:10 UTC Keywords rel_24_05_candidate, RM_priority
holly 2024-07-19 16:57:21 UTC CC holly
martin.renvoize 2024-07-22 06:38:12 UTC Version(s) released in 24.11.00
Status Passed QA Pushed to main
lucas 2024-07-24 20:15:54 UTC Status Pushed to main Pushed to stable
Version(s) released in 24.11.00 24.11.00,24.05.02
lucas 2024-07-24 20:16:03 UTC Keywords rel_24_05_candidate
david 2024-07-24 20:55:04 UTC Blocks 36192
Text to go in the release notes This fixes an issue when checking in an item to cancel a waiting hold - if a transfer to the originating library is required, the pop-up window notifying that a transfer is required was not automatically generated. (This is related to the CSRF changes added in Koha 24.05 to improve form security.)
CC david
fridolin.somers 2024-07-25 07:57:18 UTC CC fridolin.somers
Status Pushed to stable Needs documenting
katrin.fischer 2024-11-14 14:38:44 UTC Keywords RM_priority

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