Bug 12035

Summary: PDF print: Purchase order overflows incorrectly
Product: Koha Reporter: David Cook <dcook>
Component: AcquisitionsAssignee: Bugs List <koha-bugs>
Status: NEW --- QA Contact: Testopia <testopia>
Severity: normal    
Priority: P5 - low    
Version: Main   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Change sponsored?: --- Patch complexity: ---
Documentation contact: Documentation submission:
Text to go in the release notes:
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Circulation function:

Description David Cook 2014-04-03 04:59:46 UTC
Currently, if you add a large number of baskets while using a "OrderPdfFormat" of "pdfformat::layout3pages" or "pdfformat::layout3pagesfr", the basket table will overlap over the bottom footer (which includes the page numbers), and the overflow will start mid-way down the new page.

This is because we've configured our PDF::Table objects incorrectly for the printbaskets() sub. 

Of course, the chances of having enough baskets in a basket group to trigger such an overflow might be quite small, so this might not happen very often. Still, it's a bug nonetheless. You can test it out by filling your database with bogus baskets; I've included some SQL at the bottom of this bug report to aid with that.

Layout Config:


Current config for printbaskets:

start_y =>  230/mm,
next_y  => 230/mm,
start_h => 230/mm,
next_h  => 230/mm,

Note that the "next_y" and "next_h" are the same as the "start_*". This means that they'll start midway down the page on the new (overflow) page.

My suggested replacement for printbaskets:
start_y =>  230/mm, #($start_y - $start_h = $bottom_margin), according to PDF::Table source code
next_y => ($height - 5)/mm,
start_h => 210/mm,
next_h  => ($height - 25)/mm,

I'm using the $height variable here because that's the same measurement used by some page headers in the printorders() sub in this same module. 


The printorders() subs are all right in all the "OrderPdfFormat" options. The bottom margin is probably too large in layout3pages(fr).pm, but better too large than too small.


start_y => 285/mm,
next_y  => 285/mm,
start_h => 260/mm,
next_h  => 260/mm,



start_y => 270/mm,
next_y  => 285/mm,
start_h => 250/mm,
next_h  => 250/mm,


[Note: the following SQL was created based on a Koha 3.8 database so YMMV.]

*Create bogus baskets:

INSERT INTO aqbasket Select null,rand() as basketname,note,booksellernote,contractnumber,creationdate,closedate,booksellerid,authorisedby,booksellerinvoicenumber,basketgroupid from kohatest38.aqbasket where basketno = 8;

*Create bogus orders:

INSERT INTO aqorders Select null, 1, entrydate,quantity,currency,listprice,totalamount,datereceived,booksellerinvoicenumber,freight,unitprice,quantityreceived,cancelledby,datecancellationprinted,notes,supplierreference,purchaseordernumber,subscription,serialid,(SELECT basketno FROM aqbasket WHERE basketno not in (select basketno from aqorders) limit 1) as 'basketno',biblioitemnumber,timestamp,rrp,ecost,gst,budget_id,budgetgroup_id,budgetdate,sort1,sort2,sort1_authcat,sort2_authcat,uncertainprice,claims_count,claimed_date from aqorders limit 1;