Currently, if you add a large number of baskets while using a "OrderPdfFormat" of "pdfformat::layout3pages" or "pdfformat::layout3pagesfr", the basket table will overlap over the bottom footer (which includes the page numbers), and the overflow will start mid-way down the new page. This is because we've configured our PDF::Table objects incorrectly for the printbaskets() sub. Of course, the chances of having enough baskets in a basket group to trigger such an overflow might be quite small, so this might not happen very often. Still, it's a bug nonetheless. You can test it out by filling your database with bogus baskets; I've included some SQL at the bottom of this bug report to aid with that. Layout Config:, Current config for printbaskets: start_y => 230/mm, next_y => 230/mm, start_h => 230/mm, next_h => 230/mm, Note that the "next_y" and "next_h" are the same as the "start_*". This means that they'll start midway down the page on the new (overflow) page. My suggested replacement for printbaskets: start_y => 230/mm, #($start_y - $start_h = $bottom_margin), according to PDF::Table source code next_y => ($height - 5)/mm, start_h => 210/mm, next_h => ($height - 25)/mm, I'm using the $height variable here because that's the same measurement used by some page headers in the printorders() sub in this same module. -- The printorders() subs are all right in all the "OrderPdfFormat" options. The bottom margin is probably too large in layout3pages(fr).pm, but better too large than too small. printorders: start_y => 285/mm, next_y => 285/mm, start_h => 260/mm, next_h => 260/mm,, printorders: start_y => 270/mm, next_y => 285/mm, start_h => 250/mm, next_h => 250/mm, --- [Note: the following SQL was created based on a Koha 3.8 database so YMMV.] *Create bogus baskets: INSERT INTO aqbasket Select null,rand() as basketname,note,booksellernote,contractnumber,creationdate,closedate,booksellerid,authorisedby,booksellerinvoicenumber,basketgroupid from kohatest38.aqbasket where basketno = 8; *Create bogus orders: INSERT INTO aqorders Select null, 1, entrydate,quantity,currency,listprice,totalamount,datereceived,booksellerinvoicenumber,freight,unitprice,quantityreceived,cancelledby,datecancellationprinted,notes,supplierreference,purchaseordernumber,subscription,serialid,(SELECT basketno FROM aqbasket WHERE basketno not in (select basketno from aqorders) limit 1) as 'basketno',biblioitemnumber,timestamp,rrp,ecost,gst,budget_id,budgetgroup_id,budgetdate,sort1,sort2,sort1_authcat,sort2_authcat,uncertainprice,claims_count,claimed_date from aqorders limit 1;