115 return ( 0, "Item has no branch transfers record" ) if not $date; > Needs to be moved into the template 53 [% ELSE %]Never > Probably needs to be put inside an HTML tag (In reply to comment #1) > > 53 [% ELSE %]Never > > Probably needs to be put inside an HTML tag Does whitespace affect a problem like this? How do I test if a chnage to the template fixes the problem? Hi Owen, the way I test it is change the template, then run "perl translate update <lang>" from misc/translator, then check if the string shows up in the po file. I suspect wrapping it in a <span> shoudl probably do the trick. Thx for working on this! Created attachment 13682 [details] [review] Bug 9140 - Untranslatable strings in item circulation history This patch removes the text of a message from the script to the template. The lastmove sub now returns either the date or 0, and the template displays the "no transfers" message if the date doesn't exist. To test, view the circulation history for items which do and do not have a transfer history. A date should be displayed for items which have a transfer history. A messages should be displayed for those which do not. This patch also adds a <span> around the text "Never" which was not getting picked up by the translation script. To test this change, run "perl translate update <lang>" from misc/translator, then check if the string shows up in the po file. (Thanks kf!) Created attachment 13880 [details] [review] Bug 9140: Followup removes the useless variable $message Created attachment 13941 [details] [review] [SIGNED-OFF] Bug 9140 - Untranslatable strings in item circulation history This patch removes the text of a message from the script to the template. The lastmove sub now returns either the date or 0, and the template displays the "no transfers" message if the date doesn't exist. To test, view the circulation history for items which do and do not have a transfer history. A date should be displayed for items which have a transfer history. A messages should be displayed for those which do not. This patch also adds a <span> around the text "Never" which was not getting picked up by the translation script. To test this change, run "perl translate update <lang>" from misc/translator, then check if the string shows up in the po file. (Thanks kf!) Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <> Created attachment 13942 [details] [review] [SIGNED-OFF] Bug 9140: Followup removes the useless variable $message Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <> QA comment * passes * no side effect risk * clean some code, ++ passed QA Created attachment 14237 [details] [review] Bug 9140: Followup removes the useless variable $message Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <> Signed-off-by: Paul Poulain <> Created attachment 14238 [details] [review] Bug 9140 - Untranslatable strings in item circulation history This patch removes the text of a message from the script to the template. The lastmove sub now returns either the date or 0, and the template displays the "no transfers" message if the date doesn't exist. To test, view the circulation history for items which do and do not have a transfer history. A date should be displayed for items which have a transfer history. A messages should be displayed for those which do not. This patch also adds a <span> around the text "Never" which was not getting picked up by the translation script. To test this change, run "perl translate update <lang>" from misc/translator, then check if the string shows up in the po file. (Thanks kf!) Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <> Created attachment 14239 [details] [review] Bug 9140: Followup removes the useless variable $message Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <> Signed-off-by: Paul Poulain <> This patch has been pushed to master. Pushed to 3.10.x, will be in 3.10.2 Pushed to 3.8.x, will be in 3.8.9 |
Created attachment 13663 [details] screenshot, untranslatable terms highlighted There are some untranslatable terms on the item circulation history page. - Never - Item has no branch transfers record 1) Create a record with an item 2) Circulate the item a few times, don't transfer to other branches 3) Go to the record detail page 4) Open tab 'items' 5) Open item circulation history by clicking on 'View item's checkout history' 6) Switch to an installed translation (German, French...) Or take a look at the screenshot.