Bug 32769 - Standardize structure around action fieldsets in administration
Summary: Standardize structure around action fieldsets in administration
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Templates (show other bugs)
Version: Main
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low enhancement
Assignee: Owen Leonard
QA Contact: Testopia
Depends on: 32743
Blocks: 32744
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Reported: 2023-01-31 18:23 UTC by Owen Leonard
Modified: 2023-12-28 20:42 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Change sponsored?: ---
Patch complexity: Small patch
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Bug 32769: Standardize structure around action fieldsets in administration (9.39 KB, patch)
2023-01-31 18:50 UTC, Owen Leonard
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 32769: Standardize structure around action fieldsets in administration (9.48 KB, patch)
2023-02-01 15:15 UTC, Matt Blenkinsop
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug 32769: Standardize structure around action fieldsets in administration (9.51 KB, patch)
2023-02-05 13:32 UTC, Katrin Fischer
Details | Diff | Splinter Review

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Owen Leonard 2023-01-31 18:23:53 UTC
As per Bug 32744: Fieldsets with the class "action" should be placed outside of the fieldset containing the main body of the form. This report covers templates in administration.
Comment 1 Owen Leonard 2023-01-31 18:50:24 UTC
Created attachment 145904 [details] [review]
Bug 32769: Standardize structure around action fieldsets in administration

This patch updates administration templates so that fieldsets with the
"action" class are placed outside the form's main fieldset.

To test, apply the patch and check the following pages to confirm that
the forms look correct:

- Administration
   -> Keyboard shortcuts
   -> Audio alerts
   -> Share content with Mana KB
      - When the ManaToken system preference is empty, the page should
        have two forms with updated fieldsets: the form with the "Use
        Mana KB..." field and a "Configure Mana KB" form.
      - With a ManaToken defined the second form should be one labeled
        "Mana KB token."
   -> Budgets
      - Click on a budget which has existing funds.
      - In the page toolbar click Planning -> Plan by libraries.
      - Check the forms in the sidebar.
   -> System preferences ->  OverDriveAuthName
      - Follow the link to "OverDrive library authnames table" and check
        the form on that page.
Comment 2 Matt Blenkinsop 2023-02-01 15:15:15 UTC
Created attachment 145956 [details] [review]
Bug 32769: Standardize structure around action fieldsets in administration

This patch updates administration templates so that fieldsets with the
"action" class are placed outside the form's main fieldset.

To test, apply the patch and check the following pages to confirm that
the forms look correct:

- Administration
   -> Keyboard shortcuts
   -> Audio alerts
   -> Share content with Mana KB
      - When the ManaToken system preference is empty, the page should
        have two forms with updated fieldsets: the form with the "Use
        Mana KB..." field and a "Configure Mana KB" form.
      - With a ManaToken defined the second form should be one labeled
        "Mana KB token."
   -> Budgets
      - Click on a budget which has existing funds.
      - In the page toolbar click Planning -> Plan by libraries.
      - Check the forms in the sidebar.
   -> System preferences ->  OverDriveAuthName
      - Follow the link to "OverDrive library authnames table" and check
        the form on that page.

Signed-off-by: Matt Blenkinsop <matt.blenkinsop@ptfs-europe.com>
Comment 3 Katrin Fischer 2023-02-05 13:29:25 UTC
This does what it says on the tin, but we still have some display inconsistencies, as sometimes the button is outside the page-section (shortcuts) and other times it's within (aqplan). Is this something we should look at now or better for later?
Comment 4 Katrin Fischer 2023-02-05 13:32:01 UTC
Created attachment 146213 [details] [review]
Bug 32769: Standardize structure around action fieldsets in administration

This patch updates administration templates so that fieldsets with the
"action" class are placed outside the form's main fieldset.

To test, apply the patch and check the following pages to confirm that
the forms look correct:

- Administration
   -> Keyboard shortcuts
   -> Audio alerts
   -> Share content with Mana KB
      - When the ManaToken system preference is empty, the page should
        have two forms with updated fieldsets: the form with the "Use
        Mana KB..." field and a "Configure Mana KB" form.
      - With a ManaToken defined the second form should be one labeled
        "Mana KB token."
   -> Budgets
      - Click on a budget which has existing funds.
      - In the page toolbar click Planning -> Plan by libraries.
      - Check the forms in the sidebar.
   -> System preferences ->  OverDriveAuthName
      - Follow the link to "OverDrive library authnames table" and check
        the form on that page.

Signed-off-by: Matt Blenkinsop <matt.blenkinsop@ptfs-europe.com>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer.83@web.de>
Comment 5 Tomás Cohen Arazi (tcohen) 2023-02-09 13:01:44 UTC
Pushed to master for 23.05.

Nice work everyone, thanks!
Comment 6 Jacob O'Mara 2023-02-13 09:46:18 UTC
Nice work, thanks everyone!

Pushed to 22.11.x for the next release.
Comment 7 Lucas Gass (lukeg) 2023-02-15 22:05:24 UTC
Doesn't apply cleanly to 22.05.x, no backport.