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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
34478 17 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing blocker P1 - high --- Full CSRF protection
3150 6 0 Notices enhancement P5 - low --- Move emails for sending cart and list contents into notices tool
37238 5 0 Searching enhancement P5 - low --- Add table settings to itemsearch results
33568 5 0 Staff interface enhancement P5 - low --- Use the REST API to display items on the staff biblio detail view
23674 4 0 Fines and fees enhancement P5 - low --- Allowing notes on all entries in patron Transactions table
22990 4 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing major P5 - low --- Add CSRF protection to boraccount, pay, suggestions and virtualshelves on staff
22440 4 0 ILL normal P4 --- Improve ILL page performance by moving to server side filtering
17258 4 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing normal P5 - low --- [OMNIBUS] MySQL 5.7
15349 4 0 Templates enhancement P5 - low --- Problem with email pattern check on forms
14787 4 0 Circulation enhancement P5 - low --- Allow confirm/continue option to circulation warnings at checkout
12302 4 0 OPAC minor P5 - low --- OPAC course details not displaying item status correctly for itemtypes that are not for loan
9750 4 0 Notices enhancement P5 - low --- Bring routing lists into notices & slips
37528 3 0 Patrons normal P5 - low --- Using borrowerRelationship while guarantor relationship is unchecked from BorrowerMandatoryField results in error
34838 3 0 Test Suite normal P5 - low --- The ILL module and tests generate warnings
33766 3 0 Accessibility normal P5 - low --- Fix ambiguous form field in OPAC login form
33484 3 0 Staff interface new feature P5 - low --- Ability to remember user's selected table configuration and search filters for tables
32565 3 0 Hold requests normal P5 - low --- Holds placed when all libraries are closed do not get added to holds queue if HoldsQueueSkipClosed and RealTimeHoldsQueue are enabled
29354 3 0 Notices normal P5 - low --- Make overdue_notices.pl send HTML attachment as .html
26777 3 0 OPAC new feature P5 - low --- Give the user the option to display their patron card barcode from the OPAC
25393 3 0 Circulation enhancement P5 - low --- Create separate 'no automatic renewal before' rule

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The Most Frequent Bugs page lists the known open bugs which are reported most frequently, counting the number of direct and indirect duplicates of bugs. This information is provided in order to assist in minimizing the amount of duplicate bugs entered into Bugzilla, which saves time for Quality Assurance engineers who have to triage the bugs.

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