Christopher Brannon
2020-06-12 18:50:27 UTC
That Attention note is a count of total lifetime claims. It will display as long as the count of claims is above the ClaimReturnedWarningThreshold value. I can use some use for a choice in whether or not this counts resolved claims. I've spoken to libraries who would argue either side, so I don't think we can settle on one definitive "correct" behavior here. I guess part of the problem is my lack of understanding of what a "warning" should be. I thought the threshold limit would actually put up a warning box. I guess it kind of makes sense. I would also think that there would be an option somewhere to block checkout if the threshold was met. Maybe another feature soon? Anyway, now I understand. Thanks for clarifying this feature. Yes, an option to determine what counts and what doesn't would be a wise addition. Nuts, I was hoping that the claims returned threshold was for active claims... I guess we will need to delete them then after a few months. I did discover you can delete a claim. That little action doesn't show up in the action button until the claim is resolved. So, that is something. But you have to delete it altogether. Some folks might not like that. So maybe a system preference that determines whether or not resolved claims get counted toward that threshold? By the way, bug 25429 adds a function to cleanup_database to make resolved claims automatically delete after a number of days, which could help out somewhat here. If we add another pref, maybe we should make one for warning about active claims? That way we could have different limits for total and active and if only the active are to be counted the pref for resolved could be left empty. (hope that makes sense) Ideally, I could see the following to be a benefit: * Preference about the warning behavior - Should it show in the warning panel or a banner - Should claims show counts for claims, or total claims and claims unresolved - Should total claims have resolved claims that don't count towards total claims - Should it block or not -- Should it block on total claims or claims unresolved - Should resolved claims have a moratorium - should they count against the patron for a set length of time or indefinitely (In reply to Katrin Fischer from comment #6) > If we add another pref, maybe we should make one for warning about active > claims? That way we could have different limits for total and active and if > only the active are to be counted the pref for resolved could be left empty. > (hope that makes sense) I agree. There should be a differentiation between the active vs. total claims. Created attachment 168678 [details] [review] Bug 25733: Add new system preference 'UnresolvedClaimReturnedWarningThreshold' Created attachment 168679 [details] [review] Bug 25733: Add warning for unresolved claims Created attachment 168680 [details] [review] Bug 25733: Unit tests prove t/db_dependent/Circulation/ReturnClaims.t Created attachment 168681 [details] [review] Bug 25733: Add warning for unresolved claims These patches add a new warning for unresolved claims that are larger than the number set by the new 'UnresolvedClaimReturnedWarningThreshold' system preference. To test: 1) Apply patch, updatedatabase, restart_all 2) In Administration->system preferences, search for 'UnresolvedClaimReturnedWarningThreshold' and set this to '1' 3) Now search for 'ClaimReturnedLostValue' and set this to 'Lost' 4) Checkout some items for a patron 5) On the patron's checkout page, claim both these items as returned. 6) In the attention box, you should now see a 'Unresolved return claims: Patron has 2 unresolved RETURN CLAIMS'. 7) Visit patron details page, ensure the attention and message show up there as well. 8) Resolve one of these claims. Note that the message should disappear, as we set the sys pref to '1'. Created attachment 168759 [details] [review] Bug 25733: Add warning for unresolved claims These patches add a new warning for unresolved claims that are larger than the number set by the new 'UnresolvedClaimReturnedWarningThreshold' system preference. To test: 1) Apply patch, updatedatabase, restart_all 2) In Administration->system preferences, search for 'UnresolvedClaimReturnedWarningThreshold' and set this to '1' 3) Now search for 'ClaimReturnedLostValue' and set this to 'Lost' 4) Checkout some items for a patron 5) On the patron's checkout page, claim both these items as returned. 6) In the attention box, you should now see a 'Unresolved return claims: Patron has 2 unresolved RETURN CLAIMS'. 7) Visit patron details page, ensure the attention and message show up there as well. 8) Resolve one of these claims. Note that the message should disappear, as we set the sys pref to '1'. Signed-off-by: Eric Garcia <> I am wondering if we need 2 separate system preferences here. Can we not combine them into one? I'm just chiming in to say I just noticed this bug and appreciate the efforts! It's definitely confusing for staff. |