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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
33766 3 0 Accessibility enhancement P5 - low --- Accessibility: Fix ambiguous form-field in opac-auth.tt
7571 2 0 Acquisitions enhancement P5 - low --- Maintain exchange rate history
10758 2 0 Acquisitions enhancement P4 --- Show bibliographic information of deleted records in acquisition baskets
10869 2 0 Acquisitions normal P5 - low --- Can't cancel order line if title deleted
14092 2 0 Acquisitions enhancement P5 - low --- Add ability to search on 'all statuses' to orders search
19358 2 0 Acquisitions enhancement P5 - low --- Purchase suggestions - enhancements to linking to orders
20212 3 0 Acquisitions new feature P5 - low --- Improve performance of acquisitions receive page
32603 2 0 Acquisitions trivial P5 - low --- Suggester category in Suggestions management
33098 3 0 Acquisitions enhancement P5 - low --- Revert suggestion status to 'Accepted' when orders made from a suggestion are cancelled
34022 2 0 Acquisitions blocker P1 - high --- Adding items on receive is broken
14825 2 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing enhancement P5 - low --- Accounts Rewrite Omnibus
16104 2 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing normal P5 - low --- Warnings "used only once: possible typo" should be removed
17258 4 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing major P5 - low --- [OMNIBUS] MySQL 5.7
27880 2 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing enhancement P5 - low --- Store each database migrations state in database
30409 2 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing normal P5 - low --- barcodedecode() should always trim barcode
31245 2 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing major P5 - low --- Job detail view for batch mod explode if job not started
34478 17 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing blocker P1 - high --- Full CSRF protection
35687 2 0 Architecture, internals, and plumbing blocker P5 - low --- Upgrade to may fail
31378 5 0 Authentication new feature P5 - low --- Add a generic OAuth2/OIDC client implementation
34028 2 0 Authentication major P5 - low --- Two factor authentication (2FA) shows the wrong values for manual entry

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