Under some circumstances items in the budgets/funds toolbar menu are greyed out without explanation. Either an explanatory tooltip should be added or the menu items should be hidden from those without the correct permissions.
What are some circumstances? User not having right permissions? I think greying out and disabling the items is good thing because then with that info the user knows that she/he cannot access that.. but maybe and mouse hoover message would be great in that situation, as you mentioned about showing an explanation. I didn't reproduce this bug myself because I'm not familiar with the accounting tools and I don't know what you mean by some circumstances..
Still valid?
There is another bug here: They might be greyd out, but still work when you click on them. To test: - Create a budget - Create a fund - Lock the budget - Go to the fund spage - "Create a new fund for..." is greyed out, but will still work when you click it