Recently, we replaced the useless image alt text for Amazon cover images in Bootstrap with better image alt text. However, in terms of accessibility standards (e.g. WCAG) and accessibility needs, we're still not quite up to snuff. WCAG standard: Text from user with accessibility needs: "I'd want to see it say it is a cover of (title) and maybe the link info i.e. like you're saying view on amazon. So I was trying to imply that same method would hold true for most images, say you have a photo of a statue, you'd say statue of (statue name/description) links to (whatever it links to maybe larger version)." I think that something like the following would be the best alt text we could use: "Cover of <resource title>. View on"
Is this still relevant? I don't see any alt text on amazon cover images, am I looking in the wrong place?
Oh wow this is an old one that I forgot existed. I think at this point we can say this one is probably invalid.