The OPAC XSLT results view needs to be updated to use the BiblioDefaultView system preference.
Created attachment 29684 [details] [review] Bug 12574 - BiblioDefaultView doesn't affect XSLT results view The OPAC's XSLT results view does not respect the choice set in the BiblioDefaultView system preference. This patch adds a check of the preference to the OPAC's results view for MARC21. To test you must have the OPAC configured to use the XSLT view for search results. Perform any search and test the link to a title's detail page. Switching the values of the BiblioDefaultView should be correctly reflected in the search results links.
Owen, Unless there is some aspect of this feature I am not setting right or that doesn't work in sandbox, I am not seeing any difference with the patch applied. I set OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay and OPACXSLTResultsDisplay to default, and see that those are working. I have set BiblioDefaultView to "in their MARC form.", but it still defaults to normal view.
Could someone take another look at this? It works for me and I'm not sure what might be going wrong.
Owen, On the chance that I did something wrong in my testing, I tested again. Here is what I found: I found that I was refreshing my search after changing settings, and realized that the view was coded in the URL, so I wasn't going to see any changes. My fault. With today's test, I set OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay and OPACXSLTResultsDisplay to default, and see that those are working. I have set BiblioDefaultView to "in their MARC form.", an it works. This is just off a fresh installed master and without your patch installed. Please confirm the problem exists in master. Christopher
Owen, Just tested again on a testbox, and I still see the master honoring the BiblioDefaultView setting, even when OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay and OPACXSLTResultsDisplay to default. Is it the results page or the details display that you are having an issue on? Does the bug affect only one or both? Christopher
(In reply to Christopher Brannon from comment #5) > Is it the results page or the details display that you are having an issue > on? Does the bug affect only one or both? The BiblioDefaultView preference has no affect on the detail display. The preference only affects *which* dteail display you'll get when you click a link to a title. The OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay is irrelevant here. The only page which requires testing is the OPAC's search results page. Are you saying that: - in master - with OPACXSLTResultsDisplay set to "default" - with BiblioDefaultView set to "in their MARC form" ...clicking on a title in OPAC search results takes you to
Created attachment 31330 [details] [review] [SIGNED OFF] Bug 12574 - BiblioDefaultView doesn't affect XSLT results view The OPAC's XSLT results view does not respect the choice set in the BiblioDefaultView system preference. This patch adds a check of the preference to the OPAC's results view for MARC21. To test you must have the OPAC configured to use the XSLT view for search results. Perform any search and test the link to a title's detail page. Switching the values of the BiblioDefaultView should be correctly reflected in the search results links. Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <> Worked for me, search results did not respect setting before patch and did after applying
> Are you saying that: > > - in master > - with OPACXSLTResultsDisplay set to "default" > - with BiblioDefaultView set to "in their MARC form" > > ...clicking on a title in OPAC search results takes you to > Yes.
Created attachment 31448 [details] [review] [PASSED QA] Bug 12574 - BiblioDefaultView doesn't affect XSLT results view The OPAC's XSLT results view does not respect the choice set in the BiblioDefaultView system preference. This patch adds a check of the preference to the OPAC's results view for MARC21. To test you must have the OPAC configured to use the XSLT view for search results. Perform any search and test the link to a title's detail page. Switching the values of the BiblioDefaultView should be correctly reflected in the search results links. Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <> Works as described for XSLT view in OPAC. Notes: - maybe we should change the pref text from 'simple form' to 'normal view'. - the patch doesn't include changes to the title link generated from an 880 field - so those links will still lead to the wrong view.
Some notes: - maybe we should change the pref text from 'simple form' to 'normal view'. - the patch doesn't include changes to the title link generated from an 880 field - so those links will still lead to the wrong view.
Patch pushed to master. Thanks Owen!