LocalHoldsPriority needs to have another parameter to limit by number of days since dateaccessioned date. We have several libraries that need the LocalHoldsPriority on, but in doing so, have found that very popular items, such as video games or video streaming devices never leave our library because we always have someone from our library with a hold on them. It would be great to have this new parameter, so new items (which is what we tend to want the LocalHoldsPriority for) would be priority at their home branch, but maybe 6 weeks or 2 months later they don't have to be. Christopher
I imagine a good solution would be to move the LocalHoldsPriority settings to the circulation rules. That way you could give new items a different itemtype than older items such that the new items honor LocalHoldsPriority and the older items do not. This would only work if bug 12632 is a dependency.