When checking out in batch mode the system crashes: The given date (26/08/2021 00:00) does not match the date format (sql) at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/DateUtils.pm line 153. Syspref dateformat is set to dd/mm/yyyy but the error occurs with other dateformat configuration. See image attached please.
Created attachment 45988 [details] Batch checkout dateformat error
Tested in 3.22 and 3.22.1
Confirmed for the following situation: Enter 2 valid barcodes Then enter a line with one space character Then enter one more empty line or a barcode e.g. 1 2 3 ('empty' line contains one space character) Result: The given date (13/05/2022 00:00) does not match the date format (iso) at /usr/share/kohaclone/Koha/DateUtils.pm line 153.
Strange, in circ/circulation.pl the patron's expiration date format suddenly changes: Around line 413, before the line my $issue = AddIssue(... $borrower->{'dateexpiry'} is: 2022-05-13 after Addissue(... $borrower->{'dateexpiry'} is: 05/13/2022 00:00 Digging deeper, the value seems to change in C4/Letters.pm Line 803 (sub _parseletter) $values->{'dateexpiry'} = format_sqldatetime( $values->{'dateexpiry'} );
With Bug 15429 applied I can no longe reproduce the issue.
Issue resolved applying patch described in bug #15429. Tested in 3.22.1 Thanks Marc! (Should I change the status of this bug to RESOLVED?)
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 15429 ***