Goal: Add ability to control if an individual staff user can override checkout restriction based on noissuescharge Work to be done: 1) Add new permission allow_fine_override 2) Set new permission for existing staff members with setting for AllowFineOverride 3) Remove use of AllowFineOverride, replace with use of new permission allow_fine_override Looking for sponsors here: http://devs.bywatersolutions.com/projects/fine-overrides/
The link to the funding page is broken.
Looks like this is no longer listed on the ByWater dev funding site, which has moved: http://devs.bywatersolutions.com/# That said, I'd love to see this new permission broken out.
(renamed as I keep misplacing this bug and having a hard time re-finding it)
(In reply to Andrew Fuerste-Henry from comment #3) > (renamed as I keep misplacing this bug and having a hard time re-finding it) I feel this :)