C4::Koha::IsAuthorisedValueCategory contains only 2 useful calls, from C4::Reports::Guided and reports/guided_reports.pl It can be replaced with Koha::AuthorisedValues->search({ category => $authorised_value })->count
Created attachment 47899 [details] [review] Bug 15800: Koha::AuthorisedValues - Remove C4::Koha::IsAuthorisedValueCategory C4::Koha::IsAuthorisedValueCategory contains only 2 useful calls, from C4::Reports::Guided and reports/guided_reports.pl It can be replaced with Koha::AuthorisedValues->search({ category => $authorised_value})->count Test plan: 1/ Create a sql report using an authorised value category, something like: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items where lost=<<lost|LOST>> 2/ Execute the report and confirm that everything works fine. 3/ Create a sql report using a nonexistent authorised value categor, something like: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items where lost=<<lost|NONEXIST>> 4/ When saving the report, you should get a warning message "lost: The authorized value category (NONEXIST) you selected does not exist." 5/ Save anyway and execute the report, you should get the same warning message. QA: git grep IsAuthorisedValueCategory should not return any results prove t/db_dependent/ReportsGuided.t should return green
Created attachment 47926 [details] [review] [SIGNED-OFF]Bug 15800: Koha::AuthorisedValues - Remove C4::Koha::IsAuthorisedValueCategory C4::Koha::IsAuthorisedValueCategory contains only 2 useful calls, from C4::Reports::Guided and reports/guided_reports.pl It can be replaced with Koha::AuthorisedValues->search({ category => $authorised_value})->count Test plan: 1/ Create a sql report using an authorised value category, something like: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items where itemlost=<<lost|LOST>> 2/ Execute the report and confirm that everything works fine. 3/ Create a sql report using a nonexistent authorised value categor, something like: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items where itemlost=<<lost|NONEXIST>> 4/ When saving the report, you should get a warning message "lost: The authorized value category (NONEXIST) you selected does not exist." 5/ Save anyway and execute the report, you should get the same warning message. QA: git grep IsAuthorisedValueCategory should not return any results prove t/db_dependent/ReportsGuided.t should return green Signed-off-by: Hector Castro <hector.hecaxmmx@gmail.com> Works as described
Created attachment 48023 [details] [review] Bug 15800: Koha::AuthorisedValues - Remove C4::Koha::IsAuthorisedValueCategory C4::Koha::IsAuthorisedValueCategory contains only 2 useful calls, from C4::Reports::Guided and reports/guided_reports.pl It can be replaced with Koha::AuthorisedValues->search({ category => $authorised_value})->count Test plan: 1/ Create a sql report using an authorised value category, something like: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items where itemlost=<<lost|LOST>> 2/ Execute the report and confirm that everything works fine. 3/ Create a sql report using a nonexistent authorised value categor, something like: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items where itemlost=<<lost|NONEXIST>> 4/ When saving the report, you should get a warning message "lost: The authorized value category (NONEXIST) you selected does not exist." 5/ Save anyway and execute the report, you should get the same warning message. QA: git grep IsAuthorisedValueCategory should not return any results prove t/db_dependent/ReportsGuided.t should return green Signed-off-by: Hector Castro <hector.hecaxmmx@gmail.com> Works as described Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com>
Didn't Apply for me - Didn't take a look at why at this point. (I'll leave an @later for khall)
Patch no longer applies, please rebase and reset to "Passed QA". Thanks!
Created attachment 48443 [details] [review] Bug 15800: Koha::AuthorisedValues - Remove C4::Koha::IsAuthorisedValueCategory C4::Koha::IsAuthorisedValueCategory contains only 2 useful calls, from C4::Reports::Guided and reports/guided_reports.pl It can be replaced with Koha::AuthorisedValues->search({ category => $authorised_value})->count Test plan: 1/ Create a sql report using an authorised value category, something like: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items where itemlost=<<lost|LOST>> 2/ Execute the report and confirm that everything works fine. 3/ Create a sql report using a nonexistent authorised value categor, something like: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items where itemlost=<<lost|NONEXIST>> 4/ When saving the report, you should get a warning message "lost: The authorized value category (NONEXIST) you selected does not exist." 5/ Save anyway and execute the report, you should get the same warning message. QA: git grep IsAuthorisedValueCategory should not return any results prove t/db_dependent/ReportsGuided.t should return green Signed-off-by: Hector Castro <hector.hecaxmmx@gmail.com> Works as described Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com>
Pushed to Master - Should be in the May 2016 Release. Thanks!