It would be helpful to have the ability to select what changes to approve, and give reasons for denial that would show up somewhere on the patron account or in an e-mail to the patron. It would also be helpful if the changes were editable if mistakes are found (misspellings, no caps, hyphenations, etc.) I would imagine check boxes next to each line of change, and a text box next to each line for "Reason". The reason "could" be saved for both approvals and denials. However, if a reason is given, it would be appropriate to send the reason to the patron. Perhaps the information is incorrect. The patron should be notified. The changes should also be editable. I would imagine an edit button next to the change, which would simply change the text from a label to a text box, with a save and cancel button. I don't think it would be good to have it always editable without a button or link, in case someone accidently changes something. Whether or not staff provide reasons, the approval or denial should be shown to the patron either in their account, or in an e-mail, if they have one, and show any modifications (i.e. Approved or denied, what was on the account before, what the patron requested, what it was actually changed to, reasons if they exist.) Christopher