Patron import tool directions on Patron Import Tool Page states: _____________ Example 2: STARTDATE:January 1 2010,TRACK:Day If an input record has more than one attribute, the fields should either be entered as an unquoted string (previous examples), or with each field wrapped in separate double quotes and delimited by a comma: Example 3: "STARTDATE:January 1, 2010","TRACK:Day" The second syntax would be required if the data might have a comma in it, like a date string. ____________ Only the second example works "STARTDATE:January 1 2010,TRACK:Day" The double quotes import does not work. Loading the patron will fail with a "Line 2 could not be parsed!" error. Partners of BWS are also reporting this same behavior.
We've found (version 1711) that if we do not double-quote or separately double-quote patron attributes only one will be loaded (example 1: ORG:PILGRIM,ROLE:UG) (example 2: "ORG:PILGRIM","ROLE:UG") but if we put double-quotes around the entire set of patron attributes they load properly (example 3: "ORG:PILGRIM,ROLE:UG")