When we use in advanced search, the exact ponctuation ("," and "-") and words order (name, first name) is required to find the good author. Also, when we search by customer, we must put an "-" in the customer name to find the good one. Some people want a more flexible way to find the good author or the good customer in theirs orders. There is a patch or a fix of any kind to do this without ",", "-" and the specific word order ? I searched but find nothing related (maybe I miss something...) Thanks,
Hi Alexandre, which search options are you using on the advanced search? Have you compared the author, phrase and the normal author search? Can you give a search example?
Hi Katrin, I'm sorry, it's in the advanced search for acquisition module. here is the link : /koha/acqui/histsearch.pl I must also correct something, it's for the search by author and by dealers (not title). These terms must be exact to be found and with the good ponctuation. Thanks again, Alexandre from CCSR
+1 still valid in 23.05