Bug 20416 - Remove hide_marc and advancedMARCeditor system preferences
Summary: Remove hide_marc and advancedMARCeditor system preferences
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Koha
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Cataloging (show other bugs)
Version: Main
Hardware: All All
: P5 - low enhancement
Assignee: Bugs List
QA Contact: Testopia
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Blocks: 20396
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Reported: 2018-03-14 16:46 UTC by Gaetan Boisson
Modified: 2022-08-08 17:12 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Gaetan Boisson 2018-03-14 16:46:03 UTC
These two system preferences allow small customizations of the cataloging interface, namely showing only labels, or only the numbers. I don't think it's any use, almost everyone has the same values according to hea, and i am pretty sure the few libraries who don't can deal with seeing a framework with tag numbers and labels.
Comment 1 Katrin Fischer 2018-03-30 13:27:36 UTC
I am not sure if hide_marc is really functional. I turned it off and could not find any difference on MARC views or in cataloguing? What is it supposed to do?

With the new catalouging editor in place for professional catalogers I think advancedMarcEditor we could do without. 

Hea numbers are positive that both are not widely used.
Comment 2 Katrin Fischer 2018-04-07 11:17:25 UTC
Maybe we could move advancedMARCeditor to a setting in the cataloguing editor like 6354 suggests.
Comment 3 Caroline Cyr La Rose 2022-08-08 17:01:46 UTC
Re: hide_marc

It doesn't do what the syspref description says it does.

What it says: Show/Don't show MARC tag numbers, subfield codes and indicators in MARC views. 

- MARC tag numbers
- MARC subfield codes (these appear in staff only)
- Indicators

What it does: Show/Don't show MARC tag numbers and indicators in MARC views.

- MARC tag numbers
- Indicators

**Subfield codes still show in the MARC view in the staff interface.

Re: advancedMARCeditor

The name of this one is misleading, in my opinion. To me, the 'advanced MARC editor' is the advanced editor that is available when EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor is enabled. This system preference removes the field/subfield names in the *basic* MARC editor.

I don't really have an opinion as to whether they should be removed or not. All my clients have them both enabled, and most hide the MARC view in the OPAC, as it is not very useful to the average patron. But the names and descriptions should definitely be updated to reflect the actual behaviour.
Comment 4 Caroline Cyr La Rose 2022-08-08 17:06:30 UTC
Also, I think hide_marc used to be used to show/don't show the tag numbers in the basic editor (https://koha-community.org/manual/21.05/en/html/catalogingpreferences.html#hide-marc) but it doesn't do that anymore. It really only affects the MARC view.
Comment 5 Katrin Fischer 2022-08-08 17:12:03 UTC
(In reply to Caroline Cyr La Rose from comment #3)
> Re: hide_marc
> It doesn't do what the syspref description says it does.
> What it says: Show/Don't show MARC tag numbers, subfield codes and
> indicators in MARC views. 
> - MARC tag numbers
> - MARC subfield codes (these appear in staff only)
> - Indicators
> What it does: Show/Don't show MARC tag numbers and indicators in MARC views.
> - MARC tag numbers
> - Indicators
> **Subfield codes still show in the MARC view in the staff interface.

I believe this could be a 'recent' bug and instead of changing the pref we might want to check into making it work like described.

> Re: advancedMARCeditor
> The name of this one is misleading, in my opinion. To me, the 'advanced MARC
> editor' is the advanced editor that is available when
> EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor is enabled. This system preference removes
> the field/subfield names in the *basic* MARC editor.
> I don't really have an opinion as to whether they should be removed or not.
> All my clients have them both enabled, and most hide the MARC view in the
> OPAC, as it is not very useful to the average patron. But the names and
> descriptions should definitely be updated to reflect the actual behaviour.

The problem here was that advancedMARCeditor existed before the new advanced MARC editor... but I'd be all +1 for renaming it :)