Sometimes it is useful to be able to copy and paste system preferences as text rather than screenshot -- the nature of the system preferences screen makes this very difficult to do, because often the most important text is the system preference values, which are either in a text box or labels in a drop down. For instance the system preference 'AcqCreateItem' has the text Create an item when [*] This is only the default behavior, and can be changed per-basket. Where [*] is a drop down containing one of the values. - placing an order. - receiving an order. - cataloging the record. A simple copy and paste of the 'Value' box gives "Create an item when  This is only the default behavior, and can be changed per-basket."; there's no way to copy the values in the drop down. I would be nice to have a 'copy to clipboard' button that would copy the 'preference' and 'value' fields. For instance if AcqCreateItem was set to 'placing an order', the following text would be placed in the copy/paste buffer: AcqCreateItem: Create an item when [placing an order.] This is only the default behavior, and can be changed per-basket. If multiple system preferences show up in the 'Preference' field, they would be comma separated, e.g. LocalHoldsPriority, LocalHoldsPriorityPatronControl, LocalHoldsPriorityItemControl: [Don't give] priority for filling holds to patrons whose [pickup library] matches the item's [holding library]