Test plan: 1 - Edit the MarcItemFieldsToOrder and MarcFieldsToOrder syspref. For example: MarcItemFieldsToOrder homebranch: 975$a holdingbranch: 975$b itype: 975$c nonpublic_note: 975$d public_note: 975$e loc: 975$f ccode: 975$g price: 975$h replacementprice: 975$i itemcallnumber: 975$j notforloan: 975$m uri: 975$n copyno: 975$o MarcFieldsToOrder price: 975$h 2 - Stage your order file from vendor. (Test file : https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/attachment.cgi?id=57715 ) 3 - Add to basket from staged file 4 - Values are filled but not budget (ensure you don't have the one in file defined) 5 - Check the box and save 6 - You are returned to empty basket 7 - View the record - items have been created
Something in the logs?