Hi, I'm using Koha 18.05.05. The problem is: - patron has overdue fines. For example 3.40 - the amount has been forgiven using 'Create Manual Credit'. - total amount in account is deducted from the forgiven amount, but the amount remain same in 'Pay Fines' tab. - if I write off the amount in 'Pay Fines', that 3.40 is count as credit in patron account. - it is endless process if I create another invoice to clear that credited amount. No outstanding amount in account, but there is outstanding amount in 'Pay Fines'. thank you!
Hi mustqueem, credits won't be "used up" in this version of Koha. Please see the discussion on the mailing list https://lists.katipo.co.nz/pipermail/koha/2019-January/052148.html and bug 21896 (I am marking this one as duplicate). *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 21896 ***