Here's a sample SIP patron information response (patron info obfuscated): 64YYYY YY 00020190214 092541000000010001001700000000AOCC|AA12345|AETest User|BLY|CQY|BV81.51|CC20.00|AV $5.00 "F" The twentieth century : 03/02/2018 23:59|AV $4.75 "F" The twentieth century : 04/20/2018 23:59|AV $2.50 "F" Victoria. 04/20/2018 23:59|AV $2.50 "F" Before the flood 04/20/2018 23:59|AV $2.50 "F" Scandal. 04/20/2018 23:59|AV $3.25 "F" 25 04/27/2018 23:59|AV $3.25 "F" WOW gospel. 04/27/2018 23:59|AV $3.25 "F" When was the last time 04/27/2018 23:59|AV $0.26 "F" You want it darker 04/27/2018 23:59|AV $1.00 "F" Master of none. 04/27/2018 23:59|AV $1.25 "F" Elizabeth I : 05/04/2018 23:59|AV $1.50 "F" My wars are laid away in books : 05/04/2018 23:59|AV $1.50 "F" The female persuasion 05/04/2018 23:59|AV $4.00 "F" 25 06/22/2018 23:59|AV $5.00 "FU" My wars are laid away in books : 06/22/2018 23:59|AV $5.00 "PF" Lost Item My wars are laid away in books : 33550008782919|AV $35.00 "L" Lost Item My wars are laid away in books : 33550008782919|AV $ "" |BD123 Main St, Anytown KS, 66000||BF321-555-5555|PCADULT|PIN|AFGreetings from Koha. -- Patron owes 81.51|AY0AZD6F8 The screen messages from the patron fines are formatted like this: AV $4.75 "F" The twentieth century : 04/20/2018 23:59 Where "F" is the accounttype from accountlines. This should display as the human readable 'Overdue fine'. The list of these messages is hard coded in Koha, and is documented here: The accounttype 'FU' is particularly problematic when it shows on user displays, because it's a common abbreviation for an obscenity in English.
I am not sure if the list is still current and complete with the ongoing accounts rewrite. Adding Tomas and Martin here.
Does the SIP protocol involve some way to get localized messages?
Hi Tomas, see discussion on bug 20545!
Is there any limitation on the length of this string?