Currently, if a library is using the Purchase Suggestion process and chooses not to use the AVAILABLE notice (as it sends out too early for some libraries) - the contents of this notice cannot be removed. Koha will insist on something being in this notice. Yes, the notice can be deleted. Generally if a library does not want a notice to go out, the contents can be removed- however, this is not possible with this notice, AVAILABLE. Deleting notices is not a great idea either, as it may be something that needs to be added at a later date due to a new enhancement request. This bug . would be helpful to the functionality of this notice.
Hi Kelly, can you give an example for a notice that can be emptied out and won't be send then? We have always only deleted them as Koha not finding the notice seemed the safer option. I thought it would send an empty one without content. Also, I find you can't empty any notice in the GUI now - you have to always have to have at least one template with content (email or print or...).