The current form of the Koha team tab is a bit misleading/confusing. I think the release and maintenance teams should go at the top of the page as they're the most relevant for that moment in time. I don't really like the 'Special thanks' and 'Additional thanks' sections, they are not maintained in any meaningful way. I think they should be merged into the existing 'Koha development team' and 'Contributing companies and institutions' sections, perhaps highlighting them with the notes of what (and when) they contributed. This should all be pretty simple to achieve by just updating the yaml files that feed those two sections now and removing the hardcoded sections from the templates.
Hi guys, just investigating this one. I found that: Special thanks list * Irma Birchall is already listed in the dev team list. * Rachel Hamilton-Williams is already in dev team list with her contributions. * Stephen Hedges is already in the dev team list, I propose that to add his contributions. *Brooke Johnson already listed on the dev list with contributions. * Jo Ransom already listed on the dev list with contributions. * Nicholas Rosaco already listed on the dev list with contributions. * Regula Sebastiao already listed on dev list with contributions. So I propose we remove the special thanks list.
Is the changes to this bug still relevant because it looks like it has already been updated?
Some of it has been done, but this is still valid. We still have 'Special thanks' and 'Additional thanks' sections which aren't well maintained/don't have any clear reasoning for their 'Special' status. I'd love to see them either merged into the existing large lists or given a clearer description of why they're 'Special'. Perhaps the 'Special thanks' could reflect winners of KohaCon awards as those have special meaning (and we think we could grant some awards in retro-spect for some of the existing 'Special thanks'. I still think this section could appear below the current teams though.. to me the current teams are the most important (especially the 'current maintenance team' as it shows who you may want to contact for particular bugs)